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    How to lose that eggnog weight

    Catch a barfing disease from your 5 year old.  ARGH.

    More good news: I was able to watch the Real Housewives of Orange County and Watch What Happens Live, completely uninterrupted, while quarantined in the guest bedroom. 

    Wasn't it fascinating to watch Vicki's performance last night?  I wonder if Coto University offers a course on How to Manipulate and Control Friends through Tears, Pouting and Creepy Stares.

    She literally brought Tamra to her knees!  That is some expert work right there.  More on this later.

    Did anyone else watch Sarah Jessica Parker and Andy Cohen on WWHL?  Andy sparkled, but SJP was so diplomatic and self-deprecating that she came off as completely without personality.  I was waiting for her to give an honest opinion on at least one of the trivial subjects Andy was quizzing her on, but she never did.  I have to trust that in private, she does have opinions about She by Sheree and crappy fake hair and Tiger Woods and Voltaggios vs. Kevin but we didn't get any of that.  Disappointing.  I did, however, appreciate her reference to Shawn Cassidy and comparing Andy's show to public access television. 

    Congrats to Porkchop for winning Top Chef fan favorite.  Andy did ask him about going through a split with his wife during the last few challenges, and he said "I don't want to use that as an excuse."  So it is confirmed.  Did anyone else think he still looks really sad about his loss/personal life?

    Please, GIVE IT TO ME in the comments.

    Reader Comments (26)

    Is Vicki the orange-iest of the Orange County housewives?

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    I honestly (for the first time EVAH) felt bad for Vicki. She plans a normal vacation for the girls and all these lame-o's bring their weird controlling husbands. That is some weird shit. If my husband pulled that, I'd be all GET OUT OF HERE.

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermartinis or diaper genies?

    I love your episode recaps, but lately they've been so short, as a true fan, i beg that you write longer summaries!!!

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJulia

    I really wanted to be on Vicki's side in this conflict because inviting husbands to everything is a real pet peeve of mine. (Does anyone else have friends who say things like "I'll be there at 7" when they mean "WE'LL be there at 7, but I don't want to warn you that he is coming because then you might say something to me about it and if I just show up I know you are too polite to make that psycho face that Vicki made when Slade walked in"? Just me?

    That said, Vicki was so annoying about it that the only one I came away rooting for was Lynne and her invisible (vicodin-induced) husband.

    I am also going to admit that Slade made me laugh out loud last night. I am not proud of it, but when he referred to the other ladies as wild animals, I could not help myself.

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAdeleno5

    poor purple top turnip! at least he won me more money! i am now going back in time to our encounter and i swear in our picture together he is whispering bacon scented sweet nothings to me.
    sorry you got the throw-ups! around here they're now called the "carol hannah's". hopefully one day is all it took?

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermy favorite and my best

    I agree, I never agree with Vicki nor do I really enjoy watching her much. However, I would have acted as immature as she did! There is no way I want to go on a sunrise cruise by myself with 3 other couples!
    And as far as Simon saying that men don't gossip, they just 'hang out' WHATEVER! I'm picturing them last week tee-heeing over the fact that they will be pissing Vicki off by showing up.

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteryodacat

    I didn't think Vicki acted inappropriately in the least - except when she basically told Tamra to choose between Simon or Vicki. She clearly invited them on a girl's weekend and their husband's wouldn't let them go out and play alone - Wrong on so many levels. If my husband told me I couldn't go on a girl's weekend, there would be trouble in our little corner of the world. Of course, then he wouldn't be allowed to go on his golf weekends. What's good for the goose.....

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrudie

    Did anyone else notice that Vicki's teeth looked blue?

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrudie

    ugh!@!! "men" like jim & simon make me have a small (large) amount of vomit in my mouth! really any "normal" woman would not take any of their crap -- that is why they are with fake /inscure women --- ladies get some balls or real boobs or something!!!!!!
    i have to say slade is looking better and better ... really how did that happen?

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternoey

    This episode was fun to watch since it was filmed in my hometown, BUT I think all of the women are acting it up SO much for the cameras this season. All the moronic comments about the animals in the Everglades ("are these real?!") really got on my nerves. I'm really starting to dislike Simon and don't even get me started on Jim. But here's my question, since Vicky knew ahead of time that the husbands were coming, why didn't she just invite Don so that she wouldn't fee like the third wheel? I guess then she couldn't have had all those emotional scenes. Every time Lynn was on camera I found myself just staring at her forehead waiting for it to move.....still waiting!

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter4DsfromLHP first, I felt bad for Vicki. BUT THEN, I was all wait a minute. Isn't this karma for all the times Vicki was shitty and controlling to people? Karma is certainly a bitch.

    And based on those stories about Alexis' 1st marriage and how she cheated on her husband - it makes sense on why her current husband now goes everywhere with her. But still, it's creepy. And then she got all high and mighty when Gretchen was inserting those boob pads in her dress? Hello? Her ass was hanging out of her dress and her boobs were practically busting their way out of her dress last, yeah. She needs to STFU.

    But what I want is a Jo cameo! I want to her side of the Gretchen/Slade relationship, who by the way, are growing on me too. Ugh, why?

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

    jim and alexis are "good" christians... what ever . makes me giggle... wonder whyI don't go to church! anytme someone pulls out the christian out!!

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternoey

    Girls weekend, Girls night out??? sounds like the bitch that Ramona had with Simon concerning him crashing their Girls night out

    If the show is housewives, then if you cannot be without your husband for 1 night then I am thinking that maybe you shouldn't have joined the show.

    Alex talking about leaving her kids, and all that she had to do just to be able to leave, I just didn't get that, I thought the nannies had everything under control ?? How about the luggage that she packed??? I thought she was touring Europe with all that baggage.

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKally

    Julia: visit and send payment to:

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergayhooker

    SJP on Watch What Happens, yeah not a fan, too much fawning, and bullshit, wishy-washy, , its seems that alot of the guests that he has on don't answer his questions they dance around then except for Kristen Johnson, she answered his questions and was hysterically funny especially with Mark Consuelos, he is pretty honest with his answers too plus so cute, Kelly is lucky

    Andy have Kristen back on again or someone who will talk, not deflect

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie

    Agreed, SJP was total empty calories. But with a sucky, panned movie about to open, probably best not to offend any cash-holding patrons. She should, however, have put out with a SATC spoiler by thinking of it as a small hostess gift for Andy, especially after he showered her with all those crap gag gifts. For shame, Sarah; where are your manners.

    December 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTiffaney

    I agree with Kally. Vicki was acting like Ramoner when Simon crashed the RHNYC girls' night. A man crashing a girls' weekend is obv an a-hole move and a big downer, but don't let it ruin your weekend. Lynne was there husband-less too (something that Vicki completely ignored. Lynne might as well have been invisible). Also, SLADE. I didn't even blame him for crashing b/c he was just trying to protect Gretchen from the "wild animals." wtf is wrong with me, liking Slade like this.

    I hope to GOD that someone at Bravo read Michelle's idea about having a Jo cameo. I would be RIVETED.

    I was also bewildered and annoyed by the shrieks of "is that real?!" during the swamp tour. Retards.

    Thanks for backing me up on the SJP biz.

    December 18, 2009 | Registered CommenterSGM

    I don't know. My head is SPINNING with this season. Highly Overworked Alexis & her sugar cookie of a husband, Jim, have suddenly made me realize that hey. Um. Vicki isn't so bad.

    I can understand why she was bugging out, and I think she was fairly justified in her feelings. If the girls didn't want to travel sans husbands, they should have declined her invite for the trip.

    But the most important thing to discuss here is WHAT WAS LYNNE ON AND WHERE CAN I GET ME SOME OF THAT. Sweet freaking holy cripes.

    December 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChloe

    Vicky and Ramona, now THAT'S a couple I'd like to see having a girl's night out. Vicky is as controlling as Jim and just adds tears to the mix. Slade looked like a bum.

    December 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNasty Nancy

    Alexis: the profile shots with the pouty lips looks ridiculous; an unappealing thought is that the fat to pump them up was probably sucked out of her ass. and the husband? Yes, freaky controlling but she may have cheated with him when she was married to someone else and now he's like, "oh sh**, Dr. Phil is right, they do it it with you, they'll do it to you!"

    Tamra: Sad. I know she's been bitchy but now I feel sorry for her with her son (can you say prematurely bald (which is not is fault) asshole (which is his fault). And that husband often has no expression and is downright mean.

    Vicki: Master manipulator. She could have hung out with Lynne and showed a little compassion since Lynne probably needed a babysitter because on her pain-med high, she may have tried to climb the non-existent boat mast to get to the crow's nest.

    December 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLoveHateOrangeCounty

    I'd go anywhere there was booze, bitches! When my husband is deployed I have no problem hanging out with other couples. I think the reason this got weird is that none of these people are really friends with each other.

    Vicki's bizzaro manipulating almost made me feel sorry for her. ALMOST. But an adult who has had a chance to see her behavior on tv and has only gotten worse gets whatever 7th grade shit she brings on herself.

    I love Alexis' creepy-ass husband who was all "I don't want my wife's ass hanging out" when all the shit she packed was not even bringing it in the snoot-covering dept. I wear more in the shower, dude. That guy has serious rapeface too (as does Simon, why am I just now noticing that?)

    Lynne was like my mentally challenged cousin we used to pull around behind us in a little wagon, no shit. Did the surgery give her crazy Shannen Doherty eyes? I love it! The Lynne Show needs to happen!!!

    December 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersweetshorn

    Time for another party: this one will be held at my dear friend's house: 7 Shire, Coto De Caza, Ca 92679

    December 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergayhooker

    Don't worry, if any of you are travelling from out of town and too drunk to drive, you can always crash at 12 Shire across the street...(finger's crossed Shane is also visiting the same weekend)

    December 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commentergayhooker

    I am a firm believer in the notion that just because I am friends with you, doesn't mean I want to be friends with your spouse. There is a time and place for spouses and a girls trip isn't one of them. So, even though I don't want to like Vickie, I kinda felt bad for her too. And who can't travel without their siginificant other, especially to Florida? To each their own, but being that together just isn't healthy.

    However, I agree with 4DsfromLHP if she knew they were comming, why didn't she either bring Don or cancel the trip. Did she think she was not going to have to see the husbands the entire trip?

    "That guy has serious rapeface too"...I feel like I should really not be laughing at this, but I am ....a lot! And I agree.

    I think I'm just hating on Vicki 'cause I love Donn and she never invites him. Team Donn.

    December 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersweetshorn

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