The hell?

"So Gretchen, I'm going to set my camera up by the trash can and then I'll gag you and stick this umbrella up your cooch. Sound good?"
Was anyone else COMPLETELY in the dark about Gretchen's kinky nudie photos on the web? I like to think of myself as, um, a leading expert on RHOC and I had NO IDEA. The first time I had an inkling of any of this was tonight when they showed the censored photos. I feel so left out!
Has Vicki had a little work done? What do you think of Lynne's cuffs? Team Tamra or Team Gretchen? Were you DYING at Jeana stuffing her face ("you gonna eat that macaroni?") during the big fight at the end? God help me, I LOVE THIS SHOW.
Reader Comments (21)
I will ALWAYS love these housewives the best- they were the first, they were the original. I'm Team Gretchen. I think Tamara is just a jealous hag- it'd be one thing if she'd ignore Gretchen, but it's quite another when she constantly takes digs at her. You can tell Gretchen tooootally bothers her.
And OMG WHAT WAS UP WITH GRETCHEN DESCRIBING IN GROTESQUE DETAIL HOW SHE'D KILL TAMARA and then doing her little "HA HA!" laugh after? That was about 15 minutes towards the end. Whoa.
I do think the mood has changed for the ladies- at least it appears that way with the first episode. A lot of them are hurting financially, and things aren't quite so perfect in the OC anymore. I was humbled to see Vicki apologize on air about how she treated Don last season- it's sad, but perhaps with the downturn in the economy she's finally realizing that there are more important things in life than money. I hope her attitude sticks a bit.
And OMG Jeana- I had the feeling during the meal at the end that that was the only meal she had eaten all week. No way was she gonna stop eating amidst the fighting, NUH UH. And Colton lecturing her over finances? What the...
Oh honey, yes you were the only one who didn't know about it! It broke this summer on gross hoochie coochie sites.
Seriously? Nic Richie at has given everyone the inside scoop (courtesy of Slade) of those ridiculous pictures of the Big G. She's skanky, there's no denying it.
I am all about Jeana keeping it real on the show and her blog but sister please, DO NOT eat off other people's plates. I don't care how broke or hungry you are. Plus you could stand to lose a couple of lbs.
Team Tamara all the way. She's at least has the balls to cal the Big G out.
The other two, Vicki and Mandle, who cares.
Team Gretchen. Tamra's just plain mean and has been from the beginning. And her reasons for being so concerned about Gretchen are lame.
This is going to be an interesting (or really boring) season if all of the women hate each other. Right now they are all boring, unpleasant or pathetic. Or all the above.
Chloe's right: Tamra is a jealous hag. And she is naught haught. In the least.
Whatever you think of Gretchen, who gives a shit? Tamra is a hag. I love saying that. And why is she getting constant phone calls about G? She's an insecure bitch whose husband has had it with her and is embarrassed by her antics (did you hear him before she left for that dinner? "Keep it classy." Right. Plus, quit saying "classy" people!).
Vicki should have apologized to Don. Perhaps she didn't have quite all the multimillionaire men calling her after last season expressing their undying devotion and, thus, she had an epiphany. I do not like Vicki or Tamra.
Lynne? I just want to see the "after" episode.
Hello gorgeous...I agree. Everytime a Housewife in any season says the word "classy", you know they are being trashy.
And although I don't like Gretchen...I mean she dating Slade? Seriously? Seriously?...but Tamra needs to stop. I think at this point everyone knows Gretchen is a fame hungry bimbo. So move on. People don't just call up in the middle of the night and give your juicy facts about people if you aren't digging into to. And if you don't want to be associate with her...stop talking to and about her!
I think it's possible that Trampola's marriage is suffering a backlash from her negative publicity from last years' shameful antics. I giggle with glee. She deserves no less. I'm not team G, don't get me wrong. But Trampy makes me sick.
Um. Yes. I opened those photos at work when they first came out and surprisingly, I have not been fired yet.
Had I known you back then, I would have immediately alerted you to them.
I guess that makes ME a leading expert in all things OC.
Also, because I know you were worried, the PREMIERE is online already and I am going to watch it today at work instead of waiting until the weekend.
I can say before I watch it that I hate Vicki & Tamra. Jealous hags. I think this opinion will remain the same. Gretchen is dumb, but I feel like she could be my sorta dumb friend that I tell random stuff to and she would believe (but not in a mean "naked drunk" sort of way, more of like making up random facts for her to believe). I need one of those in my life. And Jeana. Poor Jeana. I think she just needs to hang it up. Lynne is probably high and probably not mother of the year, but she's harmless.
Yikes! Was it just me or did this episode make anyone feel REALLY uncomfortable?
1. It's so clear that Gretchen is still a searching, lonely soul. That beach scene with the pups broke my heart a little. All the beauty and money and empty attention can't feel her void- whatever it is.
2. Jenna's money problems? Talking to her son about it, etc.? She has no one it seems and is having a really rough time.
3. Tamra's life going to hell? Man! She's not in a good place at all. Her husband is clearly OVER her and 3/4 out the door. Could he be any more critical? Her son is still a total mess, she's CLEARLY so envious of Gretchen's beauty, youth, freedom and I'm sure, bank account. Tamara is in the weeds bigtime! A husband that prolly wants out but can't afford it, a son that hasn't amounted to much, small kids to raise, no $$, job looking bleak and spends her days online hunting for Gretchen's press.
4. Could care less really about Lyn and Vicki- They are just NOT interesting at all
Thank god the new girl is coming in. We need fresh stuff!!!
I didn't know about the picaroos either! Where the heck have we been? I am Team Gretchen ALL the way. Tamra is just jealous of her - always have been. And, Gretchen is just so darn cute. Umm, Lynne needs to go sit on those cuffs to hide them from mine eyes.
I have no watched this episode.
Surprisingly, as much as I hate Slade, so far I don't hate him dating Gretchen. It's weird, but not the worst thing I have ever heard.
Okay, I totally know the hidden meaning of "teabag" but I didn't get the impression that dude was talking about teabagging her or her getting teabagged or her liking teabagging. I don't get Simon getting all pissed.
Vicki is still a bitch. And a bitch who wears an Ed Hardy tube dress (negative 1 million points for owning it let alone wearing it on national television).
I love all the talk of being classy women. And then the going after each other at dinner.
Holy awkwardness.
"This is me not being a victim, this is me tell you to shut the f*ck up."
Have you seen these pics of Gretchen pre-plastic surgery?
OMG! CrackLanta, you ain't got nothing on these bishes! and don't even get me started on that Slade fella! I think it was at the market checkout and innocently browsing the tabloids where I do believe it said something about his owing back child support and a kiddie with a brain tumor/cancer/illness/something sad anyway Sorry, I am a bit zoned out when I have to go GROCERY shopping!!!! especially during the DAY!
My favorite line of the night was Jeana stating that Gretchen is aloud to shove vibrators up her "hoo hoo" because "she's single.' hahahhaaa......and yes, Tamra is totally jealous, so pathetic. Even the new one (Alexis) has her home up for sale
They are all posers, but I love it!
Let me help you out here: Vicky? Surgery? Uh, yeah.
Also, do not taunt me with kinky pics and NO LINK.
OMG I have missed these whores - there are absolutely my FAVORITE! I am a former OC girl living in Seattle - where the bitches dress like lesbians. I miss bleach blonde hair and's so classy! TEAM GRETCHEN! She is hot! Unfortunately she also wins for hot mess right now due to Jeff's death. I've had a sugar daddy and if you have any heart you are going to get emotionally attached so I believe her grief is sincere. Tamra needs to hang it up! I agree with one of the other comments - she is jealous over the youth, freedom, looks, and money. I did laugh when she was talkking to Vickie (ewwww, she needs to RETIRE) about how tacky G was .....because he vibrator had a cord! You filthy bitch.
I like Gina. I do. But if I want to see money struggles without scandalous sex and weight issues I'll call my mom. I watch these girls to escape...I learn to be classy.
Been awhile since I've commented....but I've had my eye on you xoxo
YES. fully in the dark and a good 76% of my life is spent reading online gossip blogs. How did we miss this? Are we failures?
I do feel like a failure. Worthless. I spend my life combing the web for information like this and something this huge slips past? wtf.
I didn't want to post the link b/c it seems kind of icky to me, but as D points out above, go to and search gretchen rossi. Jesus, I should have just posted the link.
I love you all desperately.
Oh my god. I just watched the premiere (I think) of OC.
Vicki: "Some people are classy and some people aren't classy." The WORD classy is so... NOT classy.
And then Gretchen used it. Stop saying that word... you BEACONS OF CLASS. Klass with a capital "K", that is.
And VICKI!!! Don't TELL PEOPLE that poor dumb Jeana asked you for money! God! Talk about some people not being classy! She said no-- if she'd given it to her and then never been paid back, THEN she could tell us about that, but geez, mean old b!
And I LOVE when Lynn said to Tamra (and the entire Bravo film crew), "But don't tell anyone, okay?!" about her surgery. She is as good of an actress as Rachel Zoe was when she did her Bing commercials.
These ladies are SUCH a mess. And Vicki is loving every minute of it-- too obviously. Yes, we know you are the ONLY financially stable person in the entire franchise-- thank god your sane daughter prevented you from buying that dumb ass yacht.
And hello Tamra, who didn't see all the financial shit coming down when Simon left his job to "start a tequila company" and "spend more time with family" last season. I hope she hides that watch from the feds.
Lynn, you retard. Seriously. Those cuffs would be so cute if a retarded person made them and Claire's donated the proceeds to charity. I can't believe I just said that. Watching this show just turns me into a huge, mean, superior bitch. Like Vicki, but without the manicure and insurance business.
anon, I think you might be my soulmate.
Seriously, these gals need to get on ebay & start selling their diamond encrusted watches. There is no excuse for these people not to make their mortgage payments.
LOVE that the OC is back. I can't stomach Jersey or Atlanta.