What do you watch?

Do you mostly stick to Bravo? Is there a show that everyone seems to love but you can't stand? Is there a show that you love and no one else does? Are you a half-hour sitcom person, or an hour-long drama person? What is your favorite show right now?
Spill it!
Reader Comments (54)
Kardashians!!!!! All of the Real Housewives. RZ. Wedded to Perfection.
Aside from my pure and utter devotion to the housewives and nearly everyone else in the Bravo family I really like Modern Family.
I do watch a lot of Bravo (Housewives, Flipping Out, RZ), get my fashion fix on Project Runway and Top Model, and get my fun fix with sitcoms like Curb, How I Met Your Mother, Modern Family, and too many more. Kinda addicted!
The best thing about fall is watching the British X-Factor on YouTube. My English Sweetie threatens to give up his passport every season, because of the train wreck dance numbers and insane public "voting."
I don't have cable, so I only watch the Bravo episodes that are put on Hulu. Otherwise, your recaps are it for me.
All Bravo, All the Time (except Top Chef and Million Dollar Listing).
Also, I love Dateline, 20/20, Snapped...(pretty much anything that's "real" and involves murder)
And let's not forget to mention Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team. AMAZING TELEVISION.
Oh my god, I watch like, everything right now. Except Bravo. I used to watch every Bravo show there was, but I don't know... it wore me down. I think it's the commercials - I got sick of the noise. Anywhoodle, I'm a loyal 30 Rock and The Office fan. I've gotten into the Community - it's hilarious. I'm also now addicted to Glee, Fringe, V. Greek and The Sons of Anarchy. Come January, my life will be all about Lost. My TV show genres are all over the place. This is probably indicative of my mental state in general.
All Bravo. Love it all. E! News, an occasional Kardashian, SYTYCD, DWTS, and Wendy Williams when I can catch it. FNC for my news.
If there was one show that I could hip people to it would be CBS Sunday Morning.
Also, you know about Man Shops Globe on Sundance, right?
Other than that, it's the Housewives (All Of Them), Shameless, Skins (BBC America), Crash, Californication, Curb (The Cables), The Soup (which often directs me to new shows like Full Throttle Saloon), Sons of Anarchy and your obligatory PBS serial dramas. Oh, and The Hills and The City.
Minor correction: Shameless is on Sundance and Skins doesn't seem to be on any more.
And I have never understood 30 Rock's appeal.
besides just about every reality show on BRAVO (except for Million Dollar Listing & Miami Social), GLEE, Modern Family, Wendy Williams, Project Runway, and Snapped (on Oxygen).
Glee is my absolutely my favorite show. I will not miss it. Its funny, the writings great and they sing. Also I like that it is so refreshing and positive. Next is Man Shops Globe on Sundance. Finally my guilty secret is Millionaire Listing which I watch late at night when everyone is in bed. Its horrific but I work in real estate and the boom created this type of broker; all show and ego.
All Bravo-except Tabitha- Survivor, Mad Men, Californication, Curb your Enthusiasm, nbc thursday sitcoms, ANTM, Man Shops Globe, lots of BBC shows that come and go-my favorites are Skins (which will be back on in the future,) Mistresses, and Gavin and Stacy, Glee, Next Iron Chef, Party Down, Head Case, Entourage, Project Runway, Flowers Uncut.
Can't get into Dancing with the stars.
comdey: gleeeeeeeeee!, modern family, 30 rock, the office
reality: all of bravo's offerings. how can anyone NOT watch top chef? probably people who eat fast food. america's next top pretty retard, survivor (i still would do it with probst in his safari shirt), amazing race-though it is starting to bore my pants off -literally, i try but just ending up having sex with my husband instead, so you think you can dance.
drama: gay's anatomy, seriously that show is so fucking gay but i love it.
missing: lost
Big Love.
I pretty much stick to cable, Mad Men, anything on HBO, Bravo, e!, FX, but also love Lost, Heroes, Community.
I think one of the best shows on tv is Weeds. Kevin Nealon is beyond funny.
Modern Family is the best new show on tv! Im also a loyal fan of All the Housewives, Top Chef, RZ, Flipping Out, The City , The Next Iron Chef, Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy and Brothers and Sisters.
I agree with everyone on Modern Family, best new show on TV! I also love How I Met Your Mother, Dexter, Project Runway, all the Real Housewives, The Good Wife, The Office, 30 Rock, Brothers and Sisters, Greys Anatomy, RZ and Medium. (In that order.) Wow, I watch way too much TV.
Also, I gave up the City and Hills this year and feel very happy with that decision. It just leaves me angry. :)
I watch a lot of TV, and I especially love Bravo. But now that the Housewives are done (I don't really follow the OC girls), I've been sticking to Modern Family, Dexter, Grey's Anatomy, Glee, DWTS, and Private Practice. I still watch Desperate Housewives and Nip/Tuk (thought NP is sucking big time! I still want to finish the series). Wendy Williams & Oprah for my talk show fix. Lost, Weeds, Nurse Jackie and True Blood ( in the Summer/ Spring). Sounds like I need to get a life :)
Mostly Bravo: Top Chef, Flipping Out, Fashion Show, etc. PR on Lifetime, of course. Bored to Death and Big Love on HBO. And, as a 40-year-old married mother of two, I'm sort of embarrassed to admit that I'm COMPLETELY addicted to The Vampire Diaries on the CW. There, I said it.
Oh yeah, and Glee! My new favorite show. LOVE True Blood, too. We're catching up on 11 seasons of Law & Order SVU via the DVR and the endless USA Network repeats. We've been watching Fringe since the beginning, but I'm getting really frustrated with it. We'll def. watch Lost when it comes back in Jan. And we watch Better Off Ted, Tabitha's Salon Takeover, and Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations with the kids. That's about it. But still, wow -- we watch way too much TV.
reality: housewives (except atlanta and NJ), survivor, proj runway, top chef
regular: house, lost, lie to me, bones
i cant do half hour sitcoms no matter how great they are...i need more of a time commitment! i watch the tabitha salon show just so i can watch her face morph into even more of an alien! crazy shit people! the assholes on the real estate show are such a kick to watch...its rare for me to feel absolutely no empathy for someone, but i dont have a smidge for these dudes! pls write about chad, sgm! im blog stalking you by the way, you are genious. i love rachel zoe, and i obsess about whether she is a full on bitch in real life, and how i can find out once and for all. but the housewives are the best...nothing can make me feel better about myself, ever.
and dirty jobs...that guy who hosts it is the man of my dreams.
thanks for being you, sgm!
OMG--i love It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia on FX. HILARIOUS. Also a fan of everything BRAVO except Tabitha and Matchmaker. I also love me some Grey's Anatomy, The Office, Community.
Well, I'm a total Mad now that THAT is over...I'm sad. So sad. :(
I like trashy VH1 reality TV (Tough Love just started and OMG IT IS FANTASTIC!), Modern Family is the only "sitcom" I'll watch and it's hysterical.
I want The Office to go away (it's jumped the shark, KWIM?) and I can't stand glee because I want to punch the teacher guy that has the glee club in his smarmy face. IN HIS SMARMY. FACE.
I watch an astonishing amount of Bravo which is funny because before this past year all I watched on there was Project Runway. Now I watch that on Lifetime and I'm a huge Project Rungay fan.
I miss the old HBO series - Deadwood, Rome, SITC. Entourage is fun but I awlways forget about it.
I watch almost everything on DVR, the commercials on Bravo drive me insane.