What do you watch?

Do you mostly stick to Bravo? Is there a show that everyone seems to love but you can't stand? Is there a show that you love and no one else does? Are you a half-hour sitcom person, or an hour-long drama person? What is your favorite show right now?
Spill it!
Reader Comments (54)
You know who I'm directly aligned with, babe. However, beknownst to all, I would like to share my eager anticipation for Jersey Shore to hit the waves; "if hatin' is an occupation, than bitch, have I got a job for you!"
Minus75: don't be hatin' on bing
I watch all the shows on Bravo, especially Watch what happens Love Andy Cohen
ABC all those funny sitcoms on Wednesday night, Survivor, Ugly Betty, Amazing Race, Eastwick, Trauma, Mercy, Community, ANTM, Glee, Tough Love, all the Dr Drew Rehab shows. Then there is Big Love, True Blood, Entourage, Weeds, the wedding themed shows on TLC, the Roloffs. Damn, I watch too much TV
I either DVR or watch on demand, its just easier, commercials drive me crazy
All the real housewives, top chef, RZ, Glee, Cougartown, Mad Men, Nurse Jackie, Wendy Williams, the Soup (Joel McHale just makes me giggle), Vampire Diaries
Glee, never missed an episode! Curb your Enthusiasm, Amazing Race (although it IS getting kinda boring) Tabatha, The Office, 30 Rock, Project Runway, Top Chef, The Soup...I like some housewives, but not very long-they grate on me. ALTHOUGH Jersey rocked! BIG LOVE.
"gay's anatomy, seriously that show is so fucking gay but i love it."
Would you say "that show is so fucking black but I love it," MFAMB?
God, I swear it seems like my tv is always on Bravo or Bravo HD. Sunday night is the only time I vear off. 60 minutes, Mad Men, Amazing Race. Oh wait- I actually watch PBD a lot too. Frontline and Independent Lens are great shows. HGTV gets my attention now and then. House Hunters and the design shows that aren't all "holly hobby crafty."
Friday Night Lights
Big Love
Real Housewives of NYC, but it sounds like it will not be as good this year
VH1 is uber-schadenfreude - every time a new series starts to air my upper lip sweats and my liver winces.
GLEE is delicious theater-nerd porn. (FYI, those kids are like 30 so lay off).
Alec Baldwin on 30 Rock is a genius. I want to have a threesome with Alec AND Jack Donaghy.
Also, Sheree, this is how you snatch a wig!
While we are being honest, I erased unwatched episodes of Mad Men so I could record the Tool Academy finale. True story.
uuummm....anon? duh...yeah.
californication, say yes to the dress [even I'm annoyed that I love this show], wedded to perfection although that woman...she works my last nerve when she looses her shit on her vendors.
always ace of cakes never cake boss [hate that guy]
gossip girl when I remember.
project runway but not since the switch - it bottomed out after Christian + bravo
bravo: real housewives but Atlanta was too much for me to handle. top chef but damn it makes me hungry. Need I say Rachel Zoe? really?
you know who I miss and not his fashion show rip off of project runway...the issac mizrahi show. that guy is funny as shit on tv.
anything on sundance channel - man shops globe is brill
Ovation, do you all have Ovation? amazing arts programs - the photography series is stunning.
damn I watch a lot of tv
loses I meant
I'm glad someone finally said Cougartown. I love that show! My only other Non-Bravo regular watch right now is Modern Family.
richie: "it bottomed out after Christian" Which one, Tim or Michael?
sweetshorn: Thanks for the link; you're my kind of people.
Is Rebecca really the only other person watching Entourage? Really? You all are missing out, the show is pure entertainment!
But of course, ~M. I omitted all the shows on hiatus: Entourage, Mad Men, RZ, L Word, Flipping Out, Female Forces, Bourdain, Bill Maher (although he really annoyed me most of this past season). Plant me firmly in the "I watch too much TV" crowd.
Ohhhhh SGM, there are SOOOOO many to love - of course the Bravo lineup (Real Housewives, Top Chef, Flipping Out, Tabatha, Chef Academy), The Office, Scrubs, Cougar Town, So You Think You Can Dance (I have the WORST crush on Cat Deeley), ANTM, but my DO NOT MISS shows are Dexter and Californication. Uh, Michael C. Hall? SCHWING! Hello. And does David Duchovney get hotter each week on Californication, or is it just me? Oh, The Hubs and I have also been enjoying rerus of Reno 911 (now that it has been cancelled - I know, we're a little late to the train on that one).
The show I cannot watch that apparently the rest of the universe loves? Grey's Academy. I LOATHE Katherine Heigel.
That is all!
Holy crap - I can't believe I left out one of my faves: Biggest Loser!!!!
Verrrrrry interesting!
The reason I ask is because I, The Premium Cable Snob, happened upon the Biggest Loser one lonely Tuesday and I loved it. I had tears in my eyes! (btw If anyone ever brings this up again, I will deny it.)
I too hate Grey's. I have TRIED, but I can't. Love Entourage and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Usually love The Office but haven't watched in months--agree with the "jump the shark" observation. I have in the past been devoted to PR, but couldn't follow it to Lifetime. In the spirit of sweetshorn's honesty, I have been known to watch The Ruins on mtv. I'd like to try Mad Men, but if I want to spend any time with Frank, I have to sacrifice a few things, you know?
This discussion makes me feel closer to all of you.
Dude, you HAVE to watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and of course 30 Rock. Your life would just be incomplete without them.
Here's a question I'd like to have answered: Hulu is talking about charging for its services next year. How much are you willing to pay?
I LOVE silly pointless TV, you know the stuff that makes lowers your IQ as you're watching it. I love the Housewives, all of them! Im also into the HILLS, The City, and Kardashians. I love fashion, so sometimes I only watch to see what they're wearing. But Im a total BRAVO junkie! I watch all that is Bravo!
I'm a Bravo queen. Also, Damages (can't wait for the new season!!!), CBS Sunday Morning, 60 Minutes, Gossip Girl, The Good Wife, Modern Family, Law & Order/SVU, Kardashians. Will be checking out new Ray Romano show in Dec.
love ,love .love ture blood .lost , flashforward & biggest loser....bravo shows are at the top...i can watch flipping out over and over etc.... i wish jeff would move to santa barbara he would then only be an hour away from me!!!!!!!!!!! I
Ohhh!! How could I forget TBL - The Biggest Loser!! Just discovered it this year (season 8). And, yes - I too love Ovation TV.