
Hanging out over at Bee's place today--I'm cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and giving her foot massages during the last few days of her pregnancy. Somehow I managed to write a guest post for her blog too! I know, I'm amazing. Head on over there to hear about what an anxious freak I was as I child (actually, I'm still an anxious freak, but my fears now are mostly limited to death, illness, spiders, drive-thru windows, phones and Caroline Manzo).
Can't wait to hear the big news, Bee!
Speaking of babies, Perez is reporting that Bethenny's got a bun in the oven. (thanks, Leah.) I hope this means a Skinnybaby line of baby food is on the horizon! Babies tend to be so chubby. Disgusting.
Reader Comments (9)
My house burned down to the ground the morning after (4 in the AM) my first Communion. I think The Jesus was trying to tell us something.
Oh SARAH! How terrible (not to mention terrifying! Did you lose everything? What on earth was God thinking?!
Also: NO ONE has ANYTHING to say about Bethenny?
Babies do tend to be chubby, as well as stupid. Bethenny's going to hate it.
If Bethenny is pregnant before me I am really going to lose it.
She probably ate an entire bagel, and mistook the resulting sense of fullness for a five-month fetus.
We lost just about everything. Except my school uniforms. I had stuffed them under my bed in my attempt to "clean" my room.
When the fire came through my bedroom wall, it caused my bed to collapse and SAVED the uniforms. The next Monday in class a boy named Matt asked the teacher why it smelled like BBQ in the classroom...she told them it was me.
This may have been why I was in therapy (and for some reason now I feel like blogging about this).
Bethenney will never have children. That will make her fat. And then she will hate it and herself.
Below is Bethenny spilling the beans about it & her cravings.
Bethenney will never have children. That will make her fat. And then she will hate it and herself.
Reasons like that haven't stopped millions and millions of terrible mothers.