Ok. So I found you. You can't be mad. I decided if I could find you with one (ok, maybe two) Google searches then it was meant to be...and would also mean I was a genius. Well, guess what? I'm a genius, and who can be mad a genius?
SGM is the sister I've always wanted to know. I've been crying and peeing my pants since Sunday.
Jackie-- you are too thin. It is gross. It is veiny. You are about to join Madonna in her "stewing hen" phase. You need to rush out to a Krispy Kreme now. PS--Is that Mimi?? That's what puts this scary picture right over the edge. I am really disturbed.
Can't we have a fun pic of Jeff smiling? I miss those recap days ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *sigh*. Jackie just dosen't cut it with me. She is passive/agressive and wierd. I thought she hated Mimi and kicked her out? I haven't watched in a long time........
Reader Comments (17)
I sure hope that chick rinsed her mouth out. She has NO idea where those abs have been.
That's Mimi, the crazy bitch from season 1.
Of course, now I think that Jackie is the crazy and everyone else is sane.
Ok. So I found you. You can't be mad. I decided if I could find you with one (ok, maybe two) Google searches then it was meant to be...and would also mean I was a genius. Well, guess what? I'm a genius, and who can be mad a genius?
SGM is the sister I've always wanted to know. I've been crying and peeing my pants since Sunday.
your most enthralled fan
She looks stoned on exercise endorphins.
Nice ropey veins in her lower ab region. A percent or two of body fat couldn't hurt.
Does she have any normal clothes?
Um, does she have a penis?
Hold me, I'm scared.
Tori Spelling: The heroin years.
Doesn't she look like a happy camper... FAME I wanna live forever! GGGeeezzzz
Is that a new form of liposuction? Should we just call it lip-oh for short?
I prefered when Jackie had that boyishly butch haircut. The current look is so Tea Leone.
you know who's feedback i want on this? PEELER!!!!!!
ew ew ew lower ab veins GROSS. i've never loved my pooch more (or at all, probably).
Jackie-- you are too thin. It is gross. It is veiny. You are about to join Madonna in her "stewing hen" phase. You need to rush out to a Krispy Kreme now. PS--Is that Mimi?? That's what puts this scary picture right over the edge. I am really disturbed.
Please, SGM, new post/picture so I don't have to look at this one anymore! I just can't stand that showboating *&%$# !!!
Can't we have a fun pic of Jeff smiling? I miss those recap days ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *sigh*. Jackie just dosen't cut it with me. She is passive/agressive and wierd. I thought she hated Mimi and kicked her out? I haven't watched in a long time........
OK I'm vomiting.