Yo Yo! Where my WASPs at?

Meg from Pigtown Design posted the link to this video in the comments section of my last post. She described it as a combination of Kanye and Harvard, and it is PERFECTION. God, do those people need my help.
In the meantime, I haven't watched Flipping Out yet, so BACK OFF, bitches! I'll get to it.
Reader Comments (8)
the lead singer is kinda hot. love it.
I sent this to my bestie, who did undergrad at Yale and MBA at Harvard, house on Block Island. He fell over laughing!
Thanks for the chirp!
This is my family back east. Complete with Harvard prof uncle, second house in New Hampshire, cabins on the lake, pearls, Saab (and then there's us--the freaky side of the family who moved to the west coast boyyyeeeee!).
Found your blog through are hilarious! Anyway, just wanted to let you know that there is a west coast version of that video at
This has always been one of my faves.
Ha! Loved this!
oh, YES. i just watched this the other day! the west coast version is hilarious... and unfortunately so true...
I remember this. I love this. Who doesn't need a little WASP humor in their day? :)