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    Cock-a-doodle do!


    Rise and shine, my little Bravo fans!  Did anyone watch Million Dollar Decorators last night?  I haven't seen it yet.  Tell me everything!



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    Reader Comments (14)

    I loved every shallow minute of it. Loved. Felt such gratifying schadenfreude when the squeaky-voiced rich chick announced she was getting divorced and they were selling the house. Would like to BE Kathryn Ireland. Engaged in discussion with my Brit husband over whether or not Martyn's accent is slightly fake. I don't think we'll see much actual decorating going on, but who cares?

    June 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteranon (the other one)

    Kathryn's housekeeper is a hoot!

    June 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMolliee

    I need a drunken French houselady/mate/buddy like I need my liver, pancreas, and lungs. This is no joke. Do you know the boost in quality of life Jaqueline would give me. Please.

    These people are freaks and I love that none of them can speak correctly if there life depended on it.

    Martyn's apartment for Sharon? Meh. But I know he can do better, I know he can! He's George Michael's chubby little brother with a high-brow speech impediment for God's sake!!

    This shit is golden. And I'm DYING for the episode when Joe Francis has a sweaty temper tantrum. That guy is SUCH AN ASS.

    And Manzo's follicle homage to Grease Lighting? Barf. Stick with the heavily styled and moosed-up soccer mom do Caroline. SGM, I really wish you were recaping this NJ business, because I just don't have it in my right now--and there are things that must be discussed!

    It was DEE-LIGHT-FULL. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. A nice balance of affected gays, straight delusionals, some decent design and a whole lotta one-liners and quotable anecdotes. So far my fav is Kathryn Ireland. LOVE her vibe, her style, her home and her sons.

    She's a keeper in my book.

    June 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJen

    When I was in high school we called that look a "chicken-doo"

    June 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterfunny bitch

    I knew I already loved Kathryn Ireland because I had heard her on the Skirted Roundtable. (Great ipod listen for walking.) But I have to say I was never a huge fan of Mary McDonald. Her work was a little much for me but after watching the show I actually liked her more! Who would have thought? So here are my thoughts on each castmember in a nutshell:

    Martyn: His voice is GRATING but I have a feeling he's always like this so he didn't bother me that much. Lots of drama with this one.
    Nathan: Adorbs but was definitely playing for the camera, he didn't have that natural feel. Sorry Nathan you only get a B-.
    Mary: I couldn't relate to her but I liked her and I can't put my finger on why. She was beyond stylish (which I love) and they did mention that she might have been the inspiration for Karen on Will & Grace so I can't wait to see how they edit her.
    Jeffrey: The verdict is still out. He and his BF kind of bother me and not in the good hot and bothered way.
    Kathryn: The kind of girl who I want to hang out with. She's hilarious and totally herself.

    Good TV for sure. Realistic portrayal of the design world...I'm thinking not so much. But that's ok I'm here at the Bravo table for the good TV and big personalities!

    June 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSarah's Fab Day

    Loved it. But what's up with those names? I kept expecting SanDeE* to show up.

    June 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermamacita

    I turned it off after 5 minutes. It wasn't remotely entertaining to me.

    June 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkate

    They had asked me to be on it, of course, but I am not one for self-promotion. Plus, that Mary McDonald smells like Massengill and Yankee Candles.

    Harvey Millstein, CID

    Thanks for stopping by the blog!! Next time you are in town we will fly in Maux, have chardonnay, a recorded Real Housewives episode, and a small dose of Small Paul! :)

    June 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterElaine

    fucking fabulous i tell you; fabulous.

    harvey: i thought you were part of the cast - that's not you banging the hot euro blonde ex-model?


    June 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commentergayhooker

    the comments here are entirely much better than the show itself.

    the show was pure trash and I watched it {she says confidently}

    this one and pregnant in heels - filthy rich people having life crisis that none of us will ever experience

    June 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrichie

    Oh, sweet baby jesus. We must discuss Alexis telling us what is wrong with liberal America where a woman can run for president.

    June 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLittle Edie

    Massengill and Yankee Candles. So stealing that for someone.

    June 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercarriemac

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