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    The Moral Obligations of Facebook (aka the deepest post you will ever read on this blog)

    Has anyone experienced the vaguely suicidal status update on facebook?  I recently saw one very late at night and to be honest, it wasn't all that vague.  I would repeat it here, but it's kind of specific and I don't want to add to her problems by telling everyone that I think she's a nutjob.  And I only say she's a nutjob because the next day, she followed up said update with "LOL!  Sorry if I scared anyone, just had to vent."


    I haven't seen or spoken to this person in 20 years, and even then, we were casual acquaintances at best.  I had no idea whether she was kidding, drunk, completely serious or some sort of combination.  I don't even know where she lives.  But I swear, that night, Kitty Genovese and this story were running around in my head.  I had no idea what to do.

    I know two people who have witnessed this sort of post.  Have you and if so, what did you do?  If not, then what would you do, and what factors would play into your decision?

    Yes, I know you want to discuss RHOC and Tamra's possible nomination for an AVN award (category:  Best 42 year old Drunken Bathtub Sex), so go ahead and do that too. 


    Reader Comments (39)

    LOL @ Frank. My guess is right about the age of 14 when girls get MEAN. LOL they are totally going to turn on their momma.

    seriously though! did no one but mysel watch wwhl? no one has a single comment on elsa and DANDY?!

    March 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCreepy Cook

    The WWHL was seriously uncomfortable to watch. I mean it was so clear that Dandy was pretty much making a mockery of them. Skirting around the issue of Elsa's obvious "what the hell happened to her face?" Asking her how she stays looking so young? REALLY? Come on! Then showing those photos of her when she was young and her face was a normal size and shape? Elsa and Mirasol seem like very cool chicks compared to the rest of the bitches. I kept laughing at Marisol's "deer in the headlights" look on her face and her staring at the monitor across the room. Other than that is was kinda lame. I'm over Miami, ATL, DC and OC. BH is my fav.

    I thought WWHL was funny, but kept waiting for the "what happened to your face" bomb to drop. Glad it didn't. But when Dandy asked Elsa what she thought of Lia? Gooooooood stuff.

    March 24, 2011 | Registered CommenterSGM

    Anyone who writes "LOL!" should be encouraged to reconsider the suicide option.

    March 24, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteranon

    Oh right-right. I thought it odd that Mirasol didn't say one peep on that question. I thought she was all "bud's" with Mrs. Black. Maybe not so much?


    Lia es jee maiyor oov Meeami. Jee es a vedi nieece ladee.

    Unlike Senor Dandy, Elsa just doesn't do it for me. WWHL made me uncomfortable too. It was just off. That said, I was going to do an Elsa post to help me work through my issues, but I just couldn't muster the strength. It's been a long week at Casa de Brassy.

    Read through the facebook suicide link someone posted. (linked again below) Was your person as vocal as this? " just took all my prescription medication i'll be dead soon" This person had obviously been crying out for help, for some time. I feel awful that no one tried to help her before it went that far or took her seriously for that matter. I have witnessed the FB rants as well as the drama seekers but never someone posting something similar to the below link.!5726958/facebook-suicide-note-gets-mocked-turns-out-to-be-real

    March 24, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterwhoa

    HOLD THE PHONE!! DC Housewives has been canceled!!! No Season two!!! What? What!!!!! Head over to Reality Tea to see the scoop. Now that's sumthing to yack about!!!

    Jen: Are you commenting every 30 seconds now?

    March 24, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteranonymous

    I dunno. Am I? Are you holding a stopwatch between my postings?

    Settle down, children! I'll put up a new post soon so we can move on.

    March 24, 2011 | Registered CommenterSGM

    The comments have turned into a pms forum. Wishing bravo would bring it with rhony. I can't wait to hate Jill. .. does that make me as bitchy as the previous posters? Ha

    March 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDawn

    Wow! I guess I am pretty lucky... I really don't know anyone who bitches and complains about their pathetic lives on FB. usually it;s bragging about their pathetic lives or mundane B.S. So I don't know how I would handle a cry for help. I guess I would contact a mutual friend and discuss what to do? That said I do unfriend people who spout off their political views. It's so obnoxious and usually I think they have their head up their ass!

    March 31, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLaurenW

    I have a friend who gets drunk and posts all kinds of "I may as well end it" type posts. He came out very late in lifeand hasn't had much support from his parents. Or chosen very good partners either. We have all called, posted, folks have called the police. I am afraid that it will turn into a boy who cried wolf scenario.

    April 1, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterspankydoll

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