Bethenny Update: F that S

Someone forgot to read the tiny print that said, "tickets are $60 each, suckas."
Know what? The day that I pay $60 of Frank's hard-earned cash to see a Bravo-lebrity is the day Jeff Lewis comes to town as a feature act for BareAssets, thankyouverymuch.
PLUS, it is 45 degrees out and raining and really, the only logical thing to do in that kind of weather is to eat crap and watch reruns of Say Yes to the Dress and What Not to Wear.
The field trip had to be canceled. Future get-togethers are in the works.
Now, prepare to have your mind blown:
I'll leave you to sort that out on your own.
photo from here.
Reader Comments (16)
One word....
'nuf said
I thought she was dress as Kim from Real HW ATL.
$60 bucks for what?? are you kidding? she's really the worst.
$60!!!!!! Are you fing kidding me. I'm glad Frank has a wife with some common sense. I have gone from dislike of hate, in less than 60 seconds. So you are suppose to buy her book and also pay to see her big sarcastic mouth??? Really? What a joke. I'm a skinny bitch too and I don't need to pay her dumb ass to tell me how to maintain it. At the same time we created these reality tv hoes by paying attention to them. Go figure. From now on, I'm tuning them out unless I read about them on your blog.
IMO, Bravo let Betheny get out of control when they started posting her imitations of Jill and others on their site. In the end it's going to backfire. There's only so much Betheny one can handle with out inducing uncontrollable projectile vomiting.
I say Bravo should give SGM her own show with special guest appearances by Frank's ass. Now that...I would tune in for. :)
She looks like a man dressed as a woman dressed as a drag queen dressed as Bethenny!!! Definitely not worth $6.00 much less $60.00!!!
is that where we are supposed to deposit the $60?
She was doing her Skinnygirl schtick as part of the Denver Food and Wine Classic. To attend the Bethenny part alone, it was $60. I'm sure it didn't all go to her; I can only hope that free drinks and food were part of the price. I'd love to find out what the turnout was.
She does look more like Kim than Pam, doesn't she? And yes, that ENORMOUS cleavage makes for a nice little money slot. cha-ching.
Who is doing her PR? She is killing off fans faster than Ebola virus.
Has she always had a tattoo?? The boobs are a distraction, but I did finally notice the tat!
This media wh@&e would run over her own grandmother in the parking lot if she thought it would garner her another 15 seconds in the spotlight. I've never seen anyone who thought everything she own said was sooo brilliant, sparkling and insightful- all the while cutting off her opponent at the knees. Bravo created this monster and we fed it by watching. The only way to kill it is to stop the ratings- and I don't see it happening anytime soon. Andy Cohen (VP of Programming at Bravo) thinks this little media darling is his cash cow. He hasn't figured out yet that we just see the udders and want no more part.
I refuse to watch any longer. Andy has a blog on the Bravo website where he regularly solicts comments about the Housewive series. Anytime I post a comment against Bethenny (or any of the other Housewives) it gets killed in moderation. So naturally it looks like they lots of fans and few detractors. No wonder the stupid shows keep going. I think I might start writing to their sponsors next. Maybe THAT will have more results. I don't understand how a network that produces such quality shows as Top Chef can be associated with the Housewives. Then I was told that Top Chef was B.A. (Before Andy) and Housewives was A.A. (After Andy). So maybe Andy needs to go and we wouldn't have to suffer with Housewives, the stupid Millionaire Real Estate Boys, or the Prep School Kids..... see a trend here???
Interesting comments. Everyone is starting to have "junk-food-binging remorse."
$60? HELLZ to the NO. After our 5K, we went to the Coors Brewery and got beer and stuff and it was FREE.
Sign my up for any field trip that doesn't cost $60. And has booze.
When you said this was going to blow my mind I said man nothing blows my mind anymore. I must admit, this really blew my mind!! What is her problem??
wait....are you telling me that is bethany?!?! noooo waaaaay! no f'ing way.
Bethenny at 50 is going to be grotesque.