Kim and Kandi's lovechild

I'm talking about Tardy for the Party, of course. Listen to it (on the sidebar) and instantly, you will find your surroundings transformed into a sweaty gay club with Dwight grinding up against you.
I don't know why, but I love this song.
Here's my Real Housewives of Atlanta audio recap for Mason at Movin925 in Seattle:
Reader Comments (19)
"Tardy for the Party" sounds too slow for club music.
Poor Dwight; he's really kind of homely and old-lady-ish, when you get a good look at him. Like a maiden auntie, almost.
fucking horrendous.
Dwight in the caramel leather pants...looked like he has quite a lot to grind!!
It's so bad that it's gooooood.
Hated the song, and I was a fan of one of Paris Hilton's songs, so it doesn't take much to please me!
My husband just overheard that song and said "that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life'
I am soo bummed - Ne Ne came to Athens GA today to Borders to read from her book, but I already had plans! That would have been so fun to go to!
They had to fix her voice electronically, because that singing voice was not the singing voice that we heard last season.
So that must be why she seems so smug about her song/songs or is it a full CD?
It killed my hydroponic buzz!!!
Aren't you SUPPOSED to be "tardy" to the party? Does Kim show up at exactly 9 pm, with her lube in one hand and her Newport Lights in the other?
Dwight is as fake as all the housewives" boob jobs. On Andy Cohen's Watch What Happens when he was a guest he turned his back and dropped trou and showed Andy his penile implant (eewww). And he admitted to using Latiste (?), that eye lash growing stuff that Brooke Shields advertises so his eyelashes would look like fuller and thicker and he wouldn't have to use false ones or mess with the mascara shit. Now THAT is a Diva bitches.
Well I've heard worse and it's got a beat to it. I wouldn't count on it to pay the bills but if it's just a fun hobby for her it's okay. It seems more real than Sherie's designer clothes line (or Lisa's line to come).
if you're tardy for the patry, It's okay.....just as long as long as you have a glass of chardy......
oops...too much chardy....couldn't spell party....i'm so's like I spelled "cat" with a "k"
Ugh, love the electronical voice - sort of like Heidi Montag Pratt whatever...I did learn a lesson from the song though. Don't be tardy for the party, I shall embroider that on a pillow :o)
I can't believe Dallas Austin passed on that.
And isn't she planning on become a country music icon? She's following in the Jessica Simpson school of country music stardom. Mediocre pop music career transitioning into country flop. Best of luck, Kim.
Wasn't this one of the hits originally written by her kid's guitar teacher?
This picture of Kim is well, I can't find the words. It's just KIM....
OMG! My ears are bleeding! That was horrible! Was she singing don't be retarded for the party?
I hate it BUT at least Kandi was able to accomplish what Dallas Austin couldn't.