Two minor celebrities, a socialite, and a wig walk into a bar...

UPDATE: Some of you didn't recognize these women, which tells me you need to be reading more Perez Hilton. Or maybe I need to read less. Anyhow, left to right: Michelle Trachtenberg, Sophia Bush, the dastardly Olivia Palermo and Kim "I almost had cancer" Zolciak.
photo from here (obv)
Reader Comments (21)
Olivia's trust fund body guards are waiting in the wings ready to give Kim's wig a throw down and hose it down all Karen Silkwood-style.
For some reason this really bothers me. What is Sophia wearing?!
the look on Michelle T's face says it all-
Kim the Wig is the only one I recognize.
Why is this 29 year old hanging out with these young ladies?
My further thoughts about wenchface Olivia Palermo can be found on my blog.
That's so sad that the only one I recognize is Kim and her synthetic sidekick.
damn I wish I could come up with a good snarky comment on the fly. I need to think . . .
Every single time I see Michelle T, I can't help but think of her really awkward and unfortunate character on that Nickelodeon show from when I was little.
Also, wasn't she Harriet the Spy? HA!
I have no idea who any of these ladies are except my favorite wig wearin', white wine drinkin', I don't want my teeth to be stained if I drink red wine, I hate guacamole, just wait until you see me sing, I'll show the world, Gucci til' ya die Kim Zolciak.
In the larger scheme of things it all means absolutely nothing other than celebrity status is no longer anything that is special or unobtainable.
As untrue as it is, I always feel like Michelle Tracthenberg is sort of mean because of her character on Gossip Girl. It's so weird, lol! But luckily I know all of these women!
BTW, I'm hosting a Valentine's Day contest and I would love it if you entered! Please check back at my blog for more details!
I don't know who any of them are... LOL
Pretty On the Outside has a link to Bonnie Hunt's impression of what Kim's audition for American Idol would have been like... http://tinyurl.com/cop3v5
What is up with Kim's arm? Do you see that?! It's like an awful tanline except it isn't the normal orangey color...
And Michelle looks so sad.
Ooh...I saw a picture of Sophia alone in that dress on Go Fug Yourself...the rest of it isn't pretty either.
looks like you are going to have to finish the walks into the bar joke. I cant wait to hear it!
SGM ~ What in Bravo hell is going on?!! You're right, they really need you on staff to straighten Hulu out. They only have one of last week's clips from episode 10 up, but they have a few clips from yet to be aired episode 12 posted. Bravo really needs you to clear up this confusion pronto. I'm so confused at this point and only your recap will make sense of it all. I'd really hate to cheat on you and read other recaps, so I'm waiting patiently.
Oh, and by the way, if you haven't seen it already, I love next week's episode on the cruise ship where Vicki's jersey wearing, crash the boring meeting late son is obviously not mutually orgasmic about the insurance industry. Surprise, surprise. She really needs to get laid....quickly and frequently. It's only the 100th time this season that I've wanted to slap Vicki awake. I just want to say to her...stop taking yourself so seriously and f&^! your husband or someone else will!!
I got nothin'. I was counting on you guys! Michelle does look miserable, doesn't she?
Dallas. It's about time you started reading. :) Can I get a link to the cruise ship episode?
SGM ~ Vicki is so damn edgy and ahead of the times, which is reflected by all the empty seats in the audience. You're going to love this clip. (insert evil laugh...muhahahahaha)
If Kim is really only 29 and these other girls are in their early 20s it really goes to show you what a couple of years working the pole can do to ya. Yikes!
I really doubt the young ones even know who Kim the Barbie Wig Wearer is. It looks like she was at some 'event' and asked them to take a pic with her. MT seems especially bored.
is it my computer or does kim's arm look like it has a gray farmer's tan?
beachbungalow, that's what I'm saying!! It's so odd!
Olivia Palermo prefers to be called a "social"
*rolls eyes*