Tamra and Vicki are despicable

I cannot get this preview clip from the reunion out of my head. I'm not sure what's worse--Tamra's vicious attack on Gretchen, or Vicki's smug smile as it's all going down.
I'd post the video for you here, but the embed functionality at the new isn't up and running yet. But really--click on the link. Appalling.
Reader Comments (36)
oh god. that was HORRIBLE. it actually made me uncomfortable.
{pulling collar}
OK...that was juicy. Vicki's smug smile says it all.
Oh, the stench of insecurity. Thank you Vicki and Tamra- that's one thing that Gretchen will never "take away" from you.
Pink motorcycles, sure. But raging bitchiness that only stems from being washed up jealous cows? Nope.
Love her or hate her, Gretchen has always had nothing but a smile on her face throughout this whole thing. She's never stooped to their awful level, and I hope she doesn't on the reunion show. :(
All of the RHOC have issues, but Tamra and Vicki take the fat-free, may-cause-anal-leakage cake.
The only solace I take is that they will get old. No matter how many Botox injections or face lifts they get, one day they will be old and while that is an honor to some, to them it is worse than death. Fackin' 40+ Mean Girls. Gah.
I know this isn't my drama, it's just television, but these bitches really piss me off. If they were in their 20's it would be a different story, but they are way too old to be acting this way. I just had to leave a message on Tamra's blog and let her know how I feel. It probably won't faze her though, she'll probably look in the mirror and say, I'm hot.
Vicki's blog justifies this behavior once again by tossing out that Gretchen had a man move in shortly after Jeff died. I don't think she realizes no one cares even if she was schtupping some guy the whole time-it just doesn't excuse the way they treated Gretchen throughout the season.
I did a post on my blog last night because I couldnt take it anymore..i had to vent...tamra and vicki can kick rocks! i cant stand them.
Those women are so awful. They're completely vapid and have to pick on other people to make themselves feel better about their pathetic lives. Don't Tamra and Vicki have anything else to talk about besides their new jewelry.
While I don't agree with all of Gretchen's choices, I think that Tamra is insanely jealous and will go to any length to keep her stupid title of hottest housewife. You said it best. They are truly despicable.
I guess it is too much to hope that women like this will mature and get over petty jealousies as they mature, but I see that some bitches never change.
Tamra and Vicki are so jealous of Gretchen it's gross. Gretchen comes off looking like a saint and not because she is one but because Tamra and Vicki are such putrid wenches.
Tamra's capacity for malice is just breathtaking. Such an ugly person. Gretchen's reaction to her, at least in this clip, was balanced and grown up and admirable. As close to true class as is possible with this group of women.
Vicki is just plain exhausting and bizarre.
The Skank, The Shank, The Mank, The Stank and The Tank. They trigger my latent Tourettes and in my fantasties NeNe comes on over from Atlanta and makes all of them poop themselves in terror. Good times.
If I ever had to meet Vicki in real life I would do the Droopy Dog face at her. You know, where she shakes her jowls with her mouth open, like when her daughter was telling her about enlisting? Then I would ask her if Don ties a rope around his waist when he goes to fill up her love tank.
Man, this show really brings out the worst in me. If the book club ladies ever found out I watch I would so get kicked out.
Tamra and Vicki are such whores.
Petunia Face cracked me up with the "may-cause-anal-leakage-cake". Ole Olestra!
Unfortunately, people like Tamra and Vicki, who are not self-aware IN THE LEAST, do not benefit from criticism. However, I am willing to give it a go.
They are so jealous of Gretchen because she is gorgeous and happy and makes them look just like the skank-whores they are.
WhoTF told Tamra she was HAWT anyway? Her son? Freud would have a field day.
Isn't Vicky stalking Tamara...she had the Rolex first?
Don't you wish you could have 10 minutes with these cows...I just hate them!
You guys are killing me.
Vicki is totally stalking Tamra--ha!
I noticed the jiggly jowl nodding too. SO CRAZY.
Anal leakage and pooping pants. Love it. :)
I used to like this show. Too bad the slut Tamara and the Ice Queen Vicki had to go ruin it.
Can't wait for this weeks recap!
Vicki looks like a woman who has had so much botox that the only facial movement she can make is opening her mouth - no wonder she's so loud and obnoxious. It's the only way for her to get her emotions across.
Oh and WTF was up with Tamra checking her phone in the middle of that argument? It's a classic attempt to seem like you have more power a la Vicki's laptop in the limo - learn from the best (worst?) apparently.
Just when you thought it wouldn't get any worse and they wouldn't sink any lower- it does and they do.......never to disappoint us.
Vicki and Tamara remind me of the "fabulously gay duo" from SNL, accept their super hero titles would be the "fabulously and inheritantly jealous and beginning to age, not gracefully and classless duo"........
Here's an idea: why not stop watching this trainwreck of a show? These women are pathetic. And mean, and getting meaner (is that possible?) with each season.
Sad to say, but the girls on Rock of Love are not even this trashy!
How I wish I could reach through the tv & BITCH SLAP the living s--t out of Vicki! She kills me with the irony of her constant complaints about how Gretchen is such an attention seeker!
Ummm, HOW MANY times have we heard "i need to be loved," "I need to be validated," "Pay attn to me!" from that whiny BIATCH! Fortheloveofgod she created a CRUISE about herself..L.I.F.E. w/ Vicki (so you too can be as wonderful as she is!)PUH-LEEEEZE! She just hates that people give Gretchen attention willingly, while she has to beg & charge people to get it!
Tamra is a skank. She always has been and always will be. Both she and Vicki are nothing but trailer trash and they know that about themselves.
Tamra is jealous of everyone and everything! Simon was "let go" from Fletcher Jones and their house is currently on the market. Probably on it's way to foreclosure. They paid $1.3 million (more accurately mortgaged their nasty a$$es up to) and it's barely worth $1million. So it will probably be a short sale or foreclosure soon. Simon's "tequila business" is all a joke! Tamra would rather rip someone apart then be exposed for the total phony she is.
Desperate Housewives is what this show should be called.
Vicki is not even a licensed insurance agent. Watch out for her. She's probably part of a Ponzi scheme. Keep your money aware from that psycho! Donn, Brianna, run far run fast aware from Vicki the wacko. Michael is just a loser like his mother!
As for Gretchen, is she a gold digger....I don't think so. She met a nice older guy who could be good to her. She likes the bling and he had the money. She didn't force it out of Jeff. Jeff has had 4 wives and plenty of kids. He made his money in the auto industry and made $750K in BONUSES alone in his last job. So he had the money to treat her well. There are plenty of guys out there who want nothing more than a young hottie on their arm. If he didn't care, why should anyone else. They met one another's needs and that's all that matters. It wasn't any of our money and she didn't steal it. Vicki drools with envy just like she did with Lauri. (and I'm not defending Lauri because she is a skank too, she needs to deal with her kids and stop going for the massages because life is "so stressful")
Anon 5:41: That's a stupid idea. I mean, no offense. But look, we love to hate. I am sure you can understand.
Hey, I have an idea, wouldn't it be funny if all the Real Howives from all the various shows enter into the Amazing Race to compete against each other. Team She by Sheree and I gotta wig from hell Kim against NeNe and I'm a Business Woman whatshername. Wouldn't that be funny. OK, maybe too many Merlots, but I think an Amazing Race with nothing but the real Housewives from Hell would be a hoot. I'd love to see The Countess scale a cliff or do something more dangerous than stepping into TJ Maxx.
Wow you have a lot of Anon's.