Tamra and Vicki are despicable

I cannot get this preview clip from the reunion out of my head. I'm not sure what's worse--Tamra's vicious attack on Gretchen, or Vicki's smug smile as it's all going down.
I'd post the video for you here, but the embed functionality at the new isn't up and running yet. But really--click on the link. Appalling.
Reader Comments (36)
No no NO, the cataclysm of buffoonery that would result from a Housewife crossover would result in a Superfund site of Botox, silicone, acrylic nails, hair extensions and bedazzled halter tops. Ugly.
Now, what would be awesome is to cross Real Housewives with Flipping Out. A lifetime of Cavalli and the injectable of her choice to any Housewife able to endure one week in the employ of Jeff Lewis.
I have an idea. Someone should have a blog dedicated to this show (and others like it) so these wenches get EXTRA publicity! What a great idea!!
So lame. Any wonder why people of the world think Americans are so fucking dumb? Hard to say.
Rachel, you're a stupid bitch. And, clearly, one of the fucking dumb ones, considering you're reading it.
Rachel, I have seen you on other blogs being an asshole. Maybe you should start a blog and get all of your shit out in one place instead of just leaving little mean Rachel turds everywhere.
Oh god, I think Rachel is in my book club. Quick, someone post about the state of the United Nations and how important it is that Angelina has raised our consciousness.
Rachel needs a hug. She sounds like Vicky...she isn't getting any attention so she has to be a critical asshole.
I love me a good cat fight in the comments section SGM!
Oooooh, me too.
As anon 8:17 noted, you need a hug, Rachel! Come on in, girl. My arms are as open as Kim Zolciak's legs.
You guys, I am totally sorry. I am trying to stop eating all these Doritos and my Shabby Chic duvet is covered in orange dust here. I'm in a total shame spiral and am just lashing out.
SGM. When will you post the recap of last week? I am so dying to hear what you have to say!
There's another preview for the reunion show where Tamra and Vicki just give each other this look...evil in cahoots!...must see, it's priceless.
I had to laugh when I read Vicki's blog for Bravo. She said something to the effect that for every 1 person who's hating on her, there are 9 who are positive towards her. This is very funny in light of the fact that almost all of the comments in response to her blog post are absolute vitriol.