Best of

Entertainment Weekly's best tv shows of the decade (my observations in italics).
1. The Sopranos. Yes. Oh God, YES. The thinking man's Jersey Shore.
2. Lost. Never watched it because I felt like I couldn't jump in, even in the second episode.
3. The Daily Show. Gave it a try, but too intellectual.
4. American Idol. For the life of me, I do not understand the staying power of this show.
5. Arrested Development. Intended to watch it, but never got around to it.
6. The Wire. Never watched it because it seems to be a major scary downer (and Frank didn't want to watch any prison rape. Oh wait, that's Oz. Same thing).
7. The Office (U.K. version). Watched a few episodes but accents were too much work for me to decode.
8. The Shield. What?
9. Gilmore Girls. Unable to watch due to husband's strong objections.
10. The Comeback. You know, with Lisa Kudrow? Still can't remember? Canceled after one season.
My list, in no particular order:
1. The Sopranos
3. Curb Your Enthusiasm (the early years)
4. The Office (before Jim and Pam were a couple)
5. Entourage
6. Flipping Out (duh)
7. Project Runway (the Bravo years)
8. Flight of the Conchords
9. 30 Rock
10. Intervention (I KNOW)
I haven't discussed this with Frank yet, but I'm certain this is his list:
1. Sportscenter
2. Monday Night Football
3. Entourage (only the ones with nudity)
What were your favorite shows?
Reader Comments (39)
Your list is excellent! If you like FOTC and 30 Rock, you must see the first two seasons of Arrested Development. It's life-changing.
"Big Love"
oh yes, you must watch 'arrested development'. abso-freaking-lutely life-changing, as HAC stated above. srsly. you must watch.
1. lost (best show ever...srsly. it's like what days of our lives did to me when i was 15)
2. so u think u can dance (genius talent and bursting with gayness)
3. top chef (foodie heaven, gail's boobs, and porkchop)
4. 30 rock (i am in love with alec baldwin- the fatter the better but also salma's boobs)
5. the sopranos (really the best show ever not lost, although lost is close)
6. ANTM (tyra's boobs and nigel's hottness, makeovers)
that's all for now but i am sure after more people comment and remind me of what i am missing i will be back to add to the list...
Breaking Bad and Mad Men
Nip/Tuck-Hands down
Chef Academy. In particular, the taxidermy episode. I learned how to make a killer tomato sauce from that the Frenchie man.
Entertainment Weekly needs to get it's shit together. I like The Daily Show, but to call it THE BEST OF THE DECADE is a bit bold. thank you. I tried watching the first few episodes and got bored. American Idol...I have never seen an episode which is saying something because I love to judge others. I feel like they only put the UK version of The Office to seem "diverse." I went to high school with Alexis Bledel...the girl from Gilmore Girls.
My list:
1. Sex & the City
2. Notes From the Underbelly (cancelled after 1 season)
3. Big Shots (cancelled after 1 season)
4. Rachel Zoe Project
5. The Real Housewives franchise.
6. The Hills (the early years...before everyone left for college)
7. Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team
8. Flipping Out
9. True Life
10. Hoarders
11. Snapped
Maybe I should stop watching so much television.
Ooooooh, let's see:
1. Dexter, Dexter, Dexter!!!!! - Holy hot serial killer, Batman.
2. Six Feet Under - Holy hot scruffy brother of holy hot serial killer. How this one didn't make their list, I have NO idea. Brills.
3. SATC - fashion and sex? Yes, please.
4. The Office, both BBC AND American - Ricky Gervais and Steve Carrell are BOTH genius
5. Friends - how could it NOT make the list????
6. Project Runway - could Tim Gunn please run for president?
7. 24 - The first few seasons
8. ANTM - agree w/previous post - Tyra AND Nigel? Sign me up.
9. SYTYCD - because I needed another acronym on my list, and Cat Deeley is at the top of my girl crush list.
10. Scrubs - until this last season, one of my favorite comedies of all time. I heart Zach Braff.
Oh crap, I KNEW I was going to think of another after I posted:
The Biggest Loser - if this show does not inspire you to get your ass off the couch and change your life, NOTHING will.
"The Comeback" (no one liked it but me)
The Amazing Race and Survivor
Your list really good. Would add Weeds and Scrubs
Sopranos, Flipping out, Top Chef, Project Runway, and RH of Whatever.
oh my good gawd, i just thought of another must-see: 'californication'. it's super duper.
MAD MEN!! How is this not on the list???????!!!!!!!!!!!
Californication. The Daily Show (Sarah: are you kidding me? You pick Hoarders over this?!) AND the Colbert Report; Gilmore Girls!!; SATC (Confession: I never watched while it was on tv because I didn't have HBO; watched the entire 7 or however many seasons after the fact); Um, Seinfeld anyone?
Shit, who created that list?!
Wow, I'm old. I just realized Seinfeld was on over a decade ago. I'm going to go to bed now.
HG, you're not alone. I too was wondering where Seinfeld was, and Cheers, and Three's Company. (just kidding on those last two, but not Seinfeld).
I just can't get on board with Scrubs. Can't get thru an episode, mostly b/c I find Zac Braff's looks to be repulsive. Sorry, suckas.
1. PlayGirl TV
2. Flipping Out
3. Watch What Happens Live
4. Real World
5. Real World / Road Rules Challenge
6. I Love New York
7. I Love Money
8. Jersey Shore
10. Biggest Loser (fat people need love too)
oh, and weeds
only because I have a thing for soccer moms...
That magazine doesn't have the best of the decade. I don't like or haven't watched half of those shows.
My list:
Big Love
Recue Me
Brothers & Sisters (I know)
The Biggest Loser
The Amazing Race
The Real Housewives of OC, NEW YORK, & JERSEY.
Project Runway
Top Chef
Can you tell that I have tivo?
Ha! I loved "RH of Whatever" - agreed!
I too cannot fathom why people go ape shit over American Idol. Ugh, the people and their signs...and the thing is I LOVE Ellen! But I still won't watch.
Seriously SGM - Netflix Arrested Development now! You will not be sorry. Same with Lost. Start from the won't be sorry.
My top list - I have no idea of it's 10 shows:
Mad Men - Don Draper, hello?!
Six Feet Under - felt so betrayed by Nate Fisher. Literally felt like I had broken up with someone while this show was on. Never been so emotionally invested in a show. Ever. (wow, I need a life!)
Grey's Anatomy - first three seasons although this current season is reminding me of said seasons.
How I Met Your Mother - funny as hell
Project Runway - the Bravo years as well
Gilmore Girls - very talky though...consider yourself warned
Lost - will blow your mind
Honorable mention: Golden Girls - funny in ANY decade.
Love ya!
The Sopranos
The Wire
Sex and the City
Rescue Me
Arrested Development
The Office
Six Feet Under (the early seasons. later seasons annoyed me with their liberal preachiness. i don't need "messages" from TV.)
Big Love
Project Runway (Bravo, but I'm still hopeful next season of Lifetime can bring back the zsa zsa zing...)
The above are all just plain Good TV, for various reasons. The Wire and The Sopranos are the best overall. The others are well-done programs that I find fresh, original and entertaining.
Other shows that don't qualify as Good TV but that I do find myself watching for lack of anything better, and for some stupidly compelling reason:
Real Housewives franchise (some cities more than others, but I hate that it makes these vapid women (and men) actual celebrities.
Grey's Anatomy
what else? the E! shows E! News and Keeping up with the Kardashians
You should do "Most Overrated Shows"
1. Mad Men (take away the costumes and sets and it's just the world's most sluggish soap opera)
SGM - I will PRETEND you did not say what you did about Zach Braff.
Sniff, sniff sniffle sniff....