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    Let's hear your opinions on the following:

    1. VH1's Sober House. OMG. How is Steven Adler still alive? Why did Dr. Drew let him stay when he was using at the house? Don't they have any sort of protocol in that place?

    Um, I think your room is that one upstairs with all of the needles and heroin.

    Feelings about Rodney King?

    2. Rock of Love Bus. Icky, yet I can't look away.

    3. Top Chef. Who's going to win? Jamie? Stefan? Did anyone go home that you thought shouldn't have? Someone still there that should have gone home a long time ago?

    4. Sophocles still sells! Bravo tells me that viewership of Real Housewives of Orange County is up 30% from last year, no doubt due to the antics of the Oedipal duo, Tamra and Ryan. Congrats on selling your souls, you two!

    Reader Comments (20)

    Were we watching TV together and I didn't know it?

    I think Stefan is going to win Top Chef, but my favorite is Karla. I was so glad she made it last week!

    January 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

    Here's another sweeps for you SGM:

    Win a four-day and four-night musical cruise hosted by singer John Mayer — March 27-31, 2009.

    January 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    Even though you posted the link to Kim's blog (RHOA) I didn't know if you were keeping up on it.

    Yesterday she professed her love for her hair and asked everyone to give it a rest. Very funny.

    January 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    Not watching the other three (I'm not above it, I just already have a DVR full of trash TV), but I'm pulling for Jamie to win Top Chef.

    I think I have a tiny crush on her ... plus, gotta root for the local girl!

    January 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLeah

    SGM-I love Rock of Love more than words can express. I speak of this show to friends who look at me like I've truly lost my damn mind. But sure enough, the following week they tell me, "OHMYFUCKINGGOD THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!" To which I reply, "I WOULD NEVER EVER LIE ABOUT HOW AMAZING BRET AND HIS HOS ARE!" This show is one of the few things that brings me out of my winter depression.
    Have you watch Tool Academy? It comes on after Rock of Love. It.Is.BEYOND.

    January 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermiss ava

    Unskinny bop bop bop bop

    January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    I am drawn to these shitty television shows like a moth to a flame. Sober House is so riveting, probably because I've never struggled with addiction and I think it makes me understand it a little better. The Mobile STD Bus with Wigzilla is a portal into an alternate universe. I love those fools. Top Chef? So good. I'm pulling for Jamie.

    Why is it that I can watch all the aforementioned schlock but I cannot bring myself to watch any of the Real Housewives? Explain this to me, SGM.

    January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

    Like the deadly car crash you pass, yet can't help but stare. I thought after seeing the girl take a shot from the naked vah-jay-jay on 'Rock of Love', I had seen enough of the crash. But sadly...
    I feel so dirty

    January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScandalous Housewife

    I am totally with you Miss Ava-I tell EVERYONE I know about Rock of Love Bus; I feel kinda like I'm spreading a disease. Joel McHale on The Soup once said of Rock of Love that after watching it, you had to go get tested for syphillis. Which may be true.

    January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJMeadows

    Loooove Top Chef! I think my man Fabio will win. He's awesome. Stefan is a dick, but I could also see him winning. Just what his ego needs.

    January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVanessa

    I LOVE Rock of Love Bus. And that girl you pictured is my favorite, yet, I can't remember her name. I think it's hoey-mc-hoe. Or something. In any case, she always says things like, "I have two dudes on my team, so we should win" when she's the one that looks like the tranny...oh, the irony.

    Oh, and I've always wanted to say this: first time poster, long-time follower. How cool does that make me sound?

    January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

    1. Sober House......Steven Adler CRAZY!! I am addicted to watching these people lives, that they just got back, disappear. So sad, but addicting. I don't think he will be the last to fall off the wagon.Next up Shifty!

    2. Rock of Love Bus.....ok so he got rid of this seasons "frenchy" in the first episode. The girls that are left at this point are SOOO different. From trashy to tom-boy (who makes out with his drummer and stays) he has them all. Is there ever s scene without someone with a drink in their hand? Getting back to Beverly is anyone in their right mind going to "have a long lasting relationship" with someone who as soon as you are out of the room is making out with your friend (and she is worried about what her kids and their friends will see)? I think Taya looks like his favorite!

    Top Chef- Amazingly enough I like Stephan (many of my friends don't). I think that is infatuation with Jamie (a lesbian) is hilarious! Fabio is another favorite! Just too adorable and funny! Who do I think maybe shouldn't have gone home so soon..Radhika, she made great food, just wasn't that great of a host, but this is a cooking show, not a who can be the best host. and how can I comment without mentioning Carla....the I put love and send out "good feelings" with the crappy food I just made.

    4. Viewer-ship up! yeah. I actually feel bad for Gretchen, I think Tamara and Ryan were just being petty. Well Ryan was just being a 20+something guy, but his mom....ouch!
    Vicki is just being a b**ch, she needs to get off her high horse, and try to be nice to the "newer" girls.
    Lynne....not much to say about her. Not that interesting to me.

    January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda

    I was channel surfing a few nights back and stumbled on the Celebrity sober house. I can only say "Wow" and "Holy fucking shitballs" over that one. No idea how Steven Adler is still alive. :(

    I'm having a hard time with the new Rock of Love. I was a diehard fan of the first two seasons, but this season just isn't doing it for me. I'm instead now hooked on the Tool Academy, which is the most genius show ever.

    "I am sorry, you are just a tool."

    Busts me up every time. :)

    January 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter♥ Chloe

    I had no idea I would love Rock of Love Bus like I do. Ashley is the main reason.

    I love all of the awful/awesome shows on VH1!

    And I love you! You are the lime in the vodka tonic that is reality tv.

    January 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersweetshorn

    Sober House, or as I like to call it Celebrity Rehab Without Jeff Conway, Gary Busey, and Gary Busey's Briefcase Full of Highlighters and Loose Change. I love this mess even though it grosses me out. Steven Adler is a dead ringer for the sea hag that works in my firm's archives. That house mom has an amazing sense of patience, I'd have knocked his effed up ass out if talked to me like that.

    Rock of Love Chlamydia Bus is another gem. Elegance and beauty abound this series and I think we should all tip our weave attached bandanas to Brett for continueing to rock our worlds.

    I love Top Chef and after the last two affirmations I'm not sure why. It is one of the best reality shows on TV and there is very little filth or drama. I guess once in a blue moon we can enjoy something that doesn't make up question humanity altogether. They had me a Harold.

    RHOC is still a show I am embarrassed to admit I watch, and that ain't sayin much. I once saw Slade hanging out in the women's shoe department at Bloomingdales and I said to my husband that he was probably there trying to pick up women. Lo and behold he was there with the woman trying on some cheap ass Nine West boots next to me. Oh well, I guess I'll have to live with the fact that Slade probably knows I think he's a douchebag. Mission accomplished.

    January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLucinda

    KILLING me:

    "Celebrity Rehab Without Jeff Conway, Gary Busey, and Gary Busey's Briefcase Full of Highlighters and Loose Change."

    I snorted and had to cover my mouth!

    January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSGM

    Oh, I love you SGM, I truly do. You know this. I must say it again. You brought up VH1...and VH1 takes up a majority of my life.

    SOBER EFFING HOUSEEEE. I was so rooting for Steven during Celeb Rehab.I am pissed at him. I can not believe his wife has not left him yet. And I need some more Dr. Drew...I haven't seen him all that much. I absolutely love him.

    And I do sort of miss Gary, with his large teeth and him being an angelic intervention and whatnot.

    Somehow, I can't sit there and watch Rock of Love Bus as much as I religiously watched the other two. Maybe it's the bus...I don't know. However, I love the train wreck and skank fest that it is.

    That girl, Britteneyyy or however the hell she's spelling it, who takes everything literally and was upset that she didn't get an all-access pass needs to go, if she hasn't already. She annoys me in the non-Alex McCord way, which is not entertaining at all.

    January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrittany

    Oh man - rock of love bus - I don't even know what the show is about because I have an immediate seizure every time it airs... I just can't handle it, so bad.

    Fabio has made Top Chef must see tv.

    January 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNaz

    Rock of Love Pimps and Hos is, hands down, one of the best reality shows ever. I can't get enough. Ashley cracks me up with her comments, too. Is ANYONE recapping this train wreck yet (hint, hint, SG?!)

    January 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFeather

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