Tell me again, why are you here?

Or, just give me a cliche about why you're not here.
This montage was created by the brilliant Rich at Four Four. It's quite possible that he delights in reality tv more than I do.
Or, just give me a cliche about why you're not here.
This montage was created by the brilliant Rich at Four Four. It's quite possible that he delights in reality tv more than I do.
Reader Comments (9)
I knew it was a cliche, but wow!
I'm not here to make friends.
(This made me pee a little bit, too.)
But but but *tears* I want to make friends with conceided,whorish,drunk skanky women and wussy,meth faced, loser men...lmao
wander over to my place there is something there for you :)
I'm going to be walking around all day saying "This is NOT America's Next Top Best Friend!"
Love it.
I love, "... we'll be 'friendly'... but..."
Too funny.
This was so great, I really can't believe just how many people say it.
I'm not here to tell you again.
if i ever get on a reality show i am going to look intensely in the camera and say "i am here to make friends."
Seriously, I only watch The Bachelor but EVERY season I wait and wait and wait for that moment. That perfectly cliched moment when 7 girls are sitting around a table drinking cocktails and staring at each other in attempts to shoot daggers out of their eyes in order to reduce their competition. And then (wait for it) it comes. That moment when one girl says it. I like to call it before it happens, too. I say something like "that girl looks like the "I'm not here to make friends" Girl.
I'm late making this comment, but I just thought of it while I'm watching the Project Runway - there needs to be a video of all the people who say "I wasn't ready to go home yet" - I get so sick of that. Obviously you are there to win, not to go home at the #6 position. Is anyone out there planning to go home at #3? Or #2? I don't think so.