Stupid Hard Advanced

I'll have a "real" post later, but in the meantime, please enjoy this hilarious video about how much you suck at Photoshop.*
*Thanks to My Love for You for directing me to this amusing little tidbit. For the record, I don't know anything about Photoshop and this is still the funniest video I've seen, um, since that Paul Rudd one I just posted. You can watch the whole series, along with the demise of the narrator's marriage and career, here.
Reader Comments (7)
These are hilarious... I found them on Photojojo. I even learned how to do some photoshop things from it, too!!!
Oh. My. God. I am tearing up with laughter but trying to maintain composure because I am at work and no design that I do is really all THAT funny. I am sooo watching the rest of the series...
Me laugh so hard. Me love clever.
My favorite part is when he's scrolling thru his pictures to find his marriage cert and you see all of those guns.
Funny stuff.
"some people would grab the distort tool... but they're real pussies."
What this for real? "Warp it like my marriage!!" Thanks, I needed this!
What this for real? "Warp it like my marriage!!" Thanks, I needed this!