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    Is no one going to mention it?

    How Tim Gunn said "effing" on Project Runway's Chris-Rami showdown the other night? As in "that's a heavy effing coat," Rami?

    If the cameras were off, do you think he would have said "Rami, this f*cking coat looks like it's made of f*cking lead. What the f*ck were you thinking? Make it f*cking work!"

    I'll settle for effing. Much more gentlemanly, and just another reason to love him with all of my heart.

    p.s. Speaking of effing: Blogger, what the eff is your problem? I can't handle the spacing problems.

    Reader Comments (9)

    I totally effing love your post and your new banner is effing cool SGM!!!

    February 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaige

    Perhaps Mr. Gunn has been spending too much time in the Monkey House? Or perhaps Red Lobster.

    February 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

    Yah I caught that too. LOVE Tim a little "dirty"!!

    Rami's stuff was good looking. That coat would have worked if it was tamed down just a smidge [ok a lot]. It looked like it was going to choke out that poor girl.

    I'm more excited to see what's-her-faces stuff. Her gear looks wearable and tailored.

    I think I'm over Christian and his punky self.

    February 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRichie Designs

    I heart Tim so much!

    Love the new look, by the way, SGM. :)

    February 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaloma

    I love Tim. And was kind of sad about Chris. I totally think Rami was the better candidate, BUT...Chris has come SO far. For the first time all season, I was really attracted to Rami. Is that wrong? Cause of the whole "he's a Palastinian and I'm a Jew" thing...Among other differences.

    Your site rocks girl.

    February 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterelaine

    And did you catch that he said "fierce" as if he's been saying it for years, I thought that was pretty classic. Tim's letting loose, he's come in to his own, he knows we love him.
    ps - the new banner rocks my effing world.

    February 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteramber

    what was that other word tim used???

    i think it was 4 syllables and started with the letter U...


    February 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlisa

    I think Jillian is going to take it. I'm so not loving PR this season. Rami annoys me for some reason. They were all kinda lame.

    March 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterzakary

    Dontcha just wish he was in your family or something? He would definitley love your new banner. Definitely. ;)

    March 1, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkatiedid

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