Is no one going to mention it?

How Tim Gunn said "effing" on Project Runway's Chris-Rami showdown the other night? As in "that's a heavy effing coat," Rami?
If the cameras were off, do you think he would have said "Rami, this f*cking coat looks like it's made of f*cking lead. What the f*ck were you thinking? Make it f*cking work!"
I'll settle for effing. Much more gentlemanly, and just another reason to love him with all of my heart.
p.s. Speaking of effing: Blogger, what the eff is your problem? I can't handle the spacing problems.
Reader Comments (9)
I totally effing love your post and your new banner is effing cool SGM!!!
Perhaps Mr. Gunn has been spending too much time in the Monkey House? Or perhaps Red Lobster.
Yah I caught that too. LOVE Tim a little "dirty"!!
Rami's stuff was good looking. That coat would have worked if it was tamed down just a smidge [ok a lot]. It looked like it was going to choke out that poor girl.
I'm more excited to see what's-her-faces stuff. Her gear looks wearable and tailored.
I think I'm over Christian and his punky self.
I heart Tim so much!
Love the new look, by the way, SGM. :)
I love Tim. And was kind of sad about Chris. I totally think Rami was the better candidate, BUT...Chris has come SO far. For the first time all season, I was really attracted to Rami. Is that wrong? Cause of the whole "he's a Palastinian and I'm a Jew" thing...Among other differences.
Your site rocks girl.
And did you catch that he said "fierce" as if he's been saying it for years, I thought that was pretty classic. Tim's letting loose, he's come in to his own, he knows we love him.
ps - the new banner rocks my effing world.
what was that other word tim used???
i think it was 4 syllables and started with the letter U...
I think Jillian is going to take it. I'm so not loving PR this season. Rami annoys me for some reason. They were all kinda lame.
Dontcha just wish he was in your family or something? He would definitley love your new banner. Definitely. ;)