The Scroll-down Ass

I saw the top part of this picture on dlisted* today and thought, "oh, more Britney....blah blah blah." But then I viewed the rest of the image and recognized this B-list celeb by her arse.
My first emotion upon realizing that I was correct: extreme joy. What does that say about me? Rather than answer that question, I think I'm going to go eat some Twizzlers and then get into the fetal position.
Have a great afternoon.
*Do you read dlisted? I hope so, because it's splendidly dirty-nasty funny.
Reader Comments (23)
Is it sad that I knew who that was before going to the dListed site? That ass can't be mistaken...
whoever scribes the dlisted site is seriously the most sick and twisted individual ever. and i love him.
i never thought i would see the day that someone's ass got more love than jlo's but even prego with twins jlo can't compete with this!
I love D Listed. I used to be addicted to Perez Hilton but I decided to quit cold turkey when I seriously considered making my home page. I started reading D Listed instead and it's just hilarious.
i agree. dlisted has been my one and only for such a long time. others get more play, but michael k is just the best.
love your blog btw.
This rolls right back to my old blog post - WHY is this girl famous? A big juicy ass is a big juicy ass. I don't get it.
And why hasn't Miss Moneybags Kardashian been to Nordstrom for her free brassiere fitting?
I would rather see the Kardashians leading the country than the Bushes.
Oh and seriously? Perez WISHES he were as funny as Michael K!
yeah, jj--those little bra-flaps were the first thing I noticed, even before the ass! Girl needs to size up a wee bit!
She has the same mysterous box thing on her back that Dubya wore during the debates!
do i read dlisted? ummmm. let me put it this way...i stopped reading pink is the new blog bc he was too nice.
and i had to stop reading perez bc i was sick of making up fake reasons for his white drawings when my girlies peeked over my shoulder.
mother. of. the. year.
Don't hate on the badonkadonk. I'd totally switch teams for that.
I left a response last night and now it's not here!
Good thing b/c I made the grave mistake of calling Kris Jenner Kris Kardashian, and I woke up at 1am very concerned.
JJ, I remember your Juicy butt post like it was yest!
Mamacita, I can see you taking paddle to Kim K!
Dlisted over Perez fo sho.
Whatever happened to that poor homeless man after they dropped him off at the center on "Keeping up with the Kardashians?" I wonder if he still has Kourtney's bracelet?
Michael K is one of my My Space friends. Perez can suck it.
D-listed and Jezebel are my faves... love 'em!
Mamacita, you need your own magazine, I swear.
That butt is a force of nature. I'm not sure how it will hold up over time [pun intended] but holy toledo. I think I might be down with Mamacita on this one.
I'm glad she's popular/on the D List at least there are images of a "real girl" with a bondondakadonk and some back fat that I can relate to now.
Such a pretty girl...I still marvel at how much makeup they all wear. I would look like a hooker but the sisters [and mom] seem to pull it off well.
My college roommate was Bruce/Chris Jenner's nanny (at the time). OMG - did she have some storys (and she slept with Sylvestor Stallone). Sorry, this comment is not that interesting. I just wanted to show my SGM love - cause for real, I love you baby.
But, the general consensus at is that this bottom is not at all a force of nature but rather a force of the plastic surgeon. I'm all for the promotion of various natural body shapes and sizes but I fear there is nothing natural about this rear.
Who cares? If she chose it, she chose wisely.
Personally, I think it's real. I have no basis for this thought; I just think that some girls have super large badonks. Mama Kardashian has OBVIOUSLY been under the knife many times, so who knows.
Whatever the case, I heart the Kardashians, butts and all!
I like the whole 1950s pinup girl vibe her body gives off.
Hahaha! You crack me up. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed the back fat.