Judging Beth (and Mark too!)

Beth and Mark, a study in high douchebaggery
Are you familiar with Beth S., who first appeared on MTV's The Real World LA in 1993?* Beth, age 38, is the one who constantly brags about how successful she is, yet continues to subject herself to various indignities on Real World/Road Rules challenges, the most recent of which is airing now.** Luckily, I do not have to delve into the far reaches of my brain to write a message to Beth because TVgasm.com has already done it for me:
Former, current and future Bunim-Murray cast members; I suggest you consider the show an experience, not a career. Enjoy it, embrace it and then move on. If you have more than 4 Bunim-Murray credits on your resume [Beth has approximately 13 according to imdb], and you still expect to be famous...I can safely say, it's over. And you should probably move on. If not for you, then for the sake of your family and eventual kids. It's one thing to be made a fool for a season, but to be made a fool for a DVD Box Set worth of humiliation...well that's gonna effect your family for generations.That pretty much sums it up!
Thank you,
Ms. High and Mighty
P.S. I will not be judging Mark at this point because I think he has retired from these challenges, but I reserve the right to judge him should he come out of retirement. Actually, I've changed my mind because I have since looked at his myspace page and under occupation, it says "professional badass" with an income of "over $250,000." Riiiiiiiight. He's Spencer Pratt Part II.
*Remember that one? Foremost in my mind are Jon, the naive religious country singer and Tami, the girl who wired her mouth shut in order to lose weight (and pre-wiring, she sang the catchy "I'm a slave I'm a slave I'm a slave to your lovin'," a song that is sung in my house to this day).
**I just happened upon it, okay? I didn't watch much of it, but I probably will watch all of it at some point, and when that happens, it will be a private matter between MTV and me.
Reader Comments (12)
OMG!! I wish I wasn't familiar with Beth S.!!!! That girl has been plaguing the challenge for far too long!!! Marc cannot be a professional bad ass simply based on the fact he hooked up with my fave ex felon, Robin. How could he diss Kit like that???? And where the hell is Eric Nies????????
Thanks fo coming to my blog! I love yours!!!!
You rock!! I swear you write about things that I think about but never say.
Reality tv is going to be the death of me. And by that I mean my husband is going to throw the tv over our balcony and I am going to jump right after it.
Forget Beth!! Brooke is going to steal her limelight, I can feel it. I love TVgasm too. It inspired me to write this:
Last night, Kenny and I had a heated discussion about the difference between the Gauntlet and the Inferno. It's a sickness.
And personally Beth does not annoy me nears as much as Coral.
I was just thinking about ole-wat's-her-name and the jaw wiring and wondering if it was an acceptable way to lose weight nowadays. I might do it.
Here's my pitiful brush with fame: my brother lives in LA and one night at this restaurant a haggard drunk woman was trying to pick him up by promising him stardom and suddenly my brother realized it was none other than Beth S! Just think--if my brother could've contained his gag reflex she could have been my sister in law!
why does her skin always look as though she's been skiing all day?
petunia, she lived here, in manhattan beach for a number of years (as do many ,many reality 'stars')
my s.o. always says, 'beth s. she was that sloppy drunk girl you'd always see at harry 0's (local dive bar)-- reminding everyone of her real world 'fame'.
I swear to god we must have been bff's in another lifetime. I am ashamed to admit that I've been watching The Real World, et al for 15 years or more.
Beth is just pathetic. The girl who wired her mouth married and then divorced an NBA player. Why is everyone so mean to Katie? (okay, haven't watched in a season or two...may be behind a little).
This comment is kind of lame. Sorry.
Paigepop, I love your enthusiasm! Where IS Eric?
Mint J--Reality tv will be the death of me too. I just need this writer's strike to end.
Lindsay--BROOKE! What is wrong with that girl?
Trish, I would have loved to overhear that conversation. :) Coral is such a mean bitch. Can't stand her.
JJ--it's so crazy, it just might work. Good luck explaining that to your clients.
PF, haggard drunk woman = Beth. Love it. (and HELLO, your bro is hanging out with the Rossdales?)
BB8, YES! she has always looked 2 days out from a chemical peel to me.
Elaine, it's not lame at all. I too knew of Tami's marriage to the NBA player....wait, did you double date with them or something?? :)
beth seems like she'd smell... like beef stew.
What...is with her face color? In that picture? Wither her foundation is WAY too dark for her skin tone...or she only put her head into a tanning booth...