All of you + SGM = TLA

In the past 48 hours, I have read and commented on many, many blogs, and I feel a little trampy. But I can't help myself! You people on my blogroll, and the people I have found through your blogrolls, are simply the most brilliant, beautiful and funny people in the universe. I am happy beyond words to have found this amazing world that six months ago I didn't even know existed.
To the people who don't have blogs but check in here every once in a while, thank you. And maybe you should start a blog because I bet you'd be pretty brilliant, beautiful and funny too.
Have a wonderful weekend, my loves.
Thanks for the image, Anyaka
Reader Comments (9)
I just spent the night drinking wine and commenting all over the blog world. I thought I will stop by to tell you that I love your blog!!
What I forgot to tell you is how hard I laughed when I saw that Jo (RHOC) didn't get a hug.
What a whore.
Me loves your blog long time.
Aww, SGM, we love you, too! Your blog is seriously one of my favorites and I stop by on a daily basis.I also wonder what I did before I entered the glorious world of blogging last summer.
P.S.I tagged you on my blog. :)
The feeling is mutual! I look forward to your blog everyday, and always leave with a smile,
I am so glad that you penetrated the design blogosphere. There is only so much one can read about needlepoint pillows and marble countertops in a week. Coto de Caza on the other hand...
I'm with Brilliant Asylum on that one. Although pretty designs are nice to look at, it's also great to read hysterical commentary on trashy reality series that I don't watch. It makes me feel better about myself by not watching them; yet for some reason always read your ENTIRE posting about the Real Housewives...I can't wait until Paradise Hotel starts next Monday and then I can be your "design break" of the week. Oh and did you make that sweet potato soup?! Incredible, isn't it?
Well, I just recently found your blog, but you're on my morning favorite cycle of internet "check ins" when I get into work...cause God forbid I actually do any work!
me too, me too on all of the above. and it wasn't gratuitous whoring. i mean, you're giving each and everyone of those blogs a PSA just by commenting.
yep, I think we love ya back!