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    Rocco's Dinner Party not doing it for you?

    Then try this on for size:

    CT is the Southie of Ben Affleck's dreams (and nightmares).  Trust me on this, SO GOOD.   I can't be the only one watching, right?  Out yourselves!

    The Challenge: Rivals, tonight on MTV at 8:00 MST.

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      Scented Glossy Magazines - Scented Glossy Magazines - Rocco's Dinner Party not doing it for you?
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      ,688楼承板设备 彩 688楼承板设备 彩钢板压瓦机山东青岛 钢板压瓦机山东青岛; (2 C型钢机阳信 )为了满意在有限的场地面积上成型两个断面的需要,能迅速地变换产品,压瓦机双层轧机(双层彩钢瓦成型机,双层一体设备)也被设计制造出来,这种双层彩钢瓦成型机是在高或低机架之间变换,生产一种轮廓的彩钢板安装在低机架上,生产另一种板型的轧辊安装 C型钢机阳信 在高机架上面,生产线有一个开卷机,一个割断压力机,如果彩板喂入低层轧辊,成型一个板型(如平房用披又叠板)如料卷喂入高层的轧辊,而成型 ...

    Reader Comments (9)

    I shamelessly watch RR/RW Challenges just like I do the Bachelor much better than the shows that they originated from!

    July 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbetsy

    Agreed! Excellent point.

    July 13, 2011 | Registered CommenterSGM

    Oh, I am soooooo out!!!!!! Watching it now! Hello, my name is CLRB, and I watch every.single.season of MTV's RR/RW Challenge (aka The Rivals)! I am out and proud!

    July 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCLRB

    YES! Is this a safe place to admit I find CT smoking hot?

    July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnon

    Anon, you would have to be dead or a lesbian not to find CT smoking hot.


    July 14, 2011 | Registered CommenterSGM

    Oh, I loved CT way back in the day from Real World Paris when he still had bad hair. Ah, the good ol' days before the Real World was solely reliant on hot tubs and girl-on-girl action.

    Also, my friends and I still use Ace's line, "This is me on 11!". And don't you wonder what ever happened to the kid whose dad was in The Commodores??!!

    July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBoo

    Boo, what an excellent memory you have! The kid with the Commodore's dad is CT's partner in Rivals. (Everyone is paired and forced to work with their worse RW/RR enemy. So brilliant.)

    July 15, 2011 | Registered CommenterSGM

    I'm soo watching ct every week. I dvr that shit!

    July 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdawn

    Yes... I have watched some. But very disappointed when Adam went home so early... sigh

    August 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

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