I am emotionally fragile

How do I know this? Because I got a little teary-eyed watching Kanye express his remorse tonight on Jay Leno. Did you see it? Jay gets Kanye all good and choked up about being a fucktard, and what his dead mama might say, and then Jay just flips a switch and says "okay! You gonna sing for us?" GIVE HIM A MOMENT, JAY.
GOD. What is WRONG with me, feeling sorry for that spoiled man-child?
I did perk up when Kanye was performing and Frank said, "wouldn't it awesome if Taylor Swift ran on stage right now?" YES. (and thank you, Frank, for pretending to be interested in such things.)
Anyhow, I need to take a short break from blogging before I start blinking back tears while watching Kim develop her wig line. Just a week or two. I do realize that I will be missing the Jeff Lewis Eats Old Bacon and Gets Sick episode, as well as the Kim Zolciak Passes Out in Public for Some Unknown Reason episode. It is entirely possible that I will pull a Brett Favre and change my mind, but for now I need to stop giving you excuses and just catch up with my life so I don't start acting like this:
Speaking of, can we talk about what happened on Rachel Zoe tonight? She is getting pissed upon all over the internet, but I am still devoted. Are you? She and Rodge didn't even do babytalk tonight, guys! Also, do you think that Joey and Brad have something going on? Their hugs are a little too...lingering. (or should I say BING-ering?)
Catch you later--and my blogroll is finally up, so check it out. It's full of funny and pretty. xoxo
Reader Comments (18)
Get your shit together, lady. It's not like I can outsource my Bravo-watching to India or something.
I am getting really bored with this show and all the manufactured non-drama. Tonight was a snoozefest.
I like RZ. Main flaw: Needs a sense of humor. And a better marriage.
Oh, cupcake. I understand. You go do you. And when you're good and ready, you come back and we'll be right here waiting for you. Wouldn't want you to pull a TayTay. Or cop a Braditude. I missed the Jay Leno appearance, damnit! Still in shock over Kanye's episode. It made me uncomfortable to watch the VMAs for the rest of the evening. When Pink went on stage I was half-expecting Kanye to fly across the room Peter Pan-style and steal her mic.
Take your time, totally understandable! Take care of you! I still love RZ, just love the show, sure it's a little vapid at times, but I still love it! However that being said, I'm almost ready to pull the plug on ALL the Housewives shows which now just feel like bad infomercials for all their crap they are "designing". How long until we see Nene in a Tyler Perry movie? I only saw the Jay clip this morning but I had to love how Jay pulled the Mom card out of his back pocket. We'll be here when you return!
No way Lil Bee, he knows Pink would kick his ass.
Lock it up, SGM! Lock it up!
I didn't watch Jay Leno...I can't get past his chin...so I missed the Kanye performance.
I love me some Zoe. How she got all worried about the photoshoot? Loved it. And how Rodge was all worried about her brand so he hired that girl that was Tweeting during their meeting? Adorable. Plus I almost died when Brad said that it didn't matter what Rodge wore because he "has THAT hair..." Franck needs to get with that haircut.
ugh! i have sooo much catching up to do! i am behind on every one of those shows.
as far as kanye goes...he's young and stupid.
OMG, I know this isn't on-topic at this moment, but Kandi is no longer with her fiance and she's now RAISING 2 OF HIS KIDS!!!!
Good for those 2 little girls, 'cause Kandi seems like an awesome role model, but still--where is their mom and what the f is up with their dad?!
God, that photo you keep posting of Taylor (I-- I... I CAN'T bring myself to call her Tay-Tay or Tay. Bleh!) is so awful! It's like one of those pictures you see of yourself from when you were fourteen and so utterly self-conscious and PISSED that you had to miss a party to attend a family function so you refused to smile the whole night. Then you see the picture and you are secretly mortified and mad that you didn't just relax and enjoy your life a little. Is her life really that bad? She is such a DOWNER.
Or is she just extremely hungry? If I went that long without a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup or french fry I'd have that look on my face too. Actually, maybe I'd have a huge smile because I'd be able to feel my ribs. Toss up.
We need follow up on Kandi, now. I'm sorry, but if you don't feel excited enough to share your wedding plans with your mother, something MIGHT NOT BE RIGHT. Glad she got rid of him, but why was the only person who can pay her mortgage with real, live money going to settle for such a loser in the first place?
I still want to know how those fashionistas got the money to put on their "shows." (I love how Lisa made sure She-Ray knew how expensive her sets, money, staff, lighting, etc. was and meanwhile we know she was in the same financial pile of shit as Miss S.) I DEMAND financial statements from all Housewives who call themselves Classy and Rich. Like, where does Kim GET that $3000 wardrobe for her Lil' Klassy Lady In The Making if she no longer has Big Papa footing the bill? She can't get that much from Bravo. And hmmm, I just wouldn't trust that big guy in heels with the off-the-shoulder shiny shirt to really get me a bunch of money to cover that Sooper Klassy Lifestyle she lives by hawking wigs.
I need to know now. RIGHT NOW. Does Bravo just go wait outside restaurants in strip malls (where they ALL eat-- except NYC, I guess) and pass out flyers:
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE RICH? DO YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF AS CLASSY? HAVE YOU EVER BOUGHT AN EXPENSIVE PURSE AND THEN BRAGGED ABOUT IT? ARE YOU LEASING A CAR YOU CAN"T AFFORD? DO YOU LIVE IN A HUGE HOUSE WITH WHAT COSTCO WOULD DESCRIBE AS 'IN THE TUSCAN STYLE'? Then we have the show for you! Try-outs and interviews are tonight at the Holiday Inn off the highway. Free wine and if you mention that you are interested in hawking goods of your own, we'll throw in a free manicure, too!
Every week in the show's opening where they all make their statements, we have to hear Nene say, "I don't keep up with the Joneses--I AM the Joneses." Excuse me, bitch? We KNOW your whole lifestyle is a front--we read about your lack of money on the blogs. Why the f can't you think of anything better to say about your life? Kandi says something like, "I'm an independent woman, doing it for myself"! There's no reason for you to try rub your money in our faces when YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE ANY!!!
"as far as kanye goes...he's young and stupid."
No, he's stupid for life.
it's funny, because i'm from atlanta and i've gotta say that kandi is a real atlanta girl. smart, humble, loves family (no matter how wacktacular), focused on making it...doing what you have to do and putting the BS on simmer. the others confuse the hell out of me.
girl, get you some rest. hell, i wouldn't know half of this if it weren't for you-and your take is better than watching anyway!
I agree. Go read David Sedaris.
There's something rancid, after a while, reading and writing about all these Bravo non-entities. It makes you feel poisoned, a little. And yeah, I include Jeff Lewis in that group.
Yes, yes. I DO feel a little rancid. I wouldn't spend all this time thinking about these gross shows if I weren't cracking up reading this particular blog. Is that bad?? When my husband makes fun of the fact that I watch Real Housewives my only retort is to yell, "Well, I can't HELP it!"
As for Jeff Lewis, I watched it last night (I think it had already been shown) and all I could think was that it was an entire hour of an advertisement against gum chewing. Everyone was chomp chomp chomping on their gum! I couldn't believe Jeffy didn't notice!!!!!!!!
You are so right on the GUM CHEWING! I can't believe he would allow it either. I'm surprised he didn't fire her on the spot 1) for spilling the coffee and 2) for calling him Jeffy. She's cute, yes, but why is he so enchanted by her? SUSPICIOUS (omg, is my jealousy glaringly obvious or what?)
Rancid is such a good word. I also love the name Rerun. Hey hey hey.
The Kandi business: Thank you for the info, lazyla! I like Kandi, but I am troubled that she was the only one who didn't seem alarmed by the preposterous number of AJ's baby mamas. Is anyone surprised that they are no longer together? Can't believe she's raising 2 of his kids. Does anyone know a nice man that we can set her up with? I'm thinking Donn, Vicki's husband from OC.
I am still so devoted + obsessed {no matter what}! Whenever it's on, I cannot seem to turn The Zoe Project off. I die.