Let the table flipping begin!

Because Danielle is SO asking for it.
Why did she have to go and ruin the good mood? What a crazy, desperate, attention-seeking freak.
The finale of Real Housewives of New Jersey is tonight. TRUST ME, it will be in your best interest to watch it.
(if you can't see the video, click through. Or get some glasses. I can't say for certain what your problem might be.)
Reader Comments (25)
finale? how many episodes was this?!
I KNOW! I can hardly wait!!!!!!
Oh no she dinnit! She does not bring that book to dinner...nnnnooooooooo...
Wow. Wow wow wow. I can't WAIT!
Danielle is lucky the only thing being flipped at that dinner is a table and not her skanky ass out a window.
Didn't she take her daughters with her? I agree with the attention seeking crazy label.
Isn't she the one that was talking about walking into the lion's den? Well you sure don't go in wearing a meat suit! What the heck, she soooooo asked for it. I was wondering how the fight begins, I sure didn't think that it would have been Danielle to start it. And with her children there and I'm sure the other women's kids were there too. Oh, Danielle deserves her butt kicked. Go Theresa!!!
And I thought I hated Tamra!!
I totally love Teresa, despite the bubbies.
It's on like Donkey Kong! Can't wait!! The reunion next week should be a classic....
Holy WTF moment!!!! I was nervous just sitting here in my house on the sofa watching this...I cannot wait!!!
She is crazy...straight up. Oh my goodness.
ok, well the finale just ended here on the east coast. lordy, lordy. can't wait to see your recap, sgm. ooh, juicy deliciousness...
that freakin cunt. i just finished watching the finale. all i gotta say is ...maybe someone will find her some cement shoes....what a sorry ass selfish bitch.
I don't care for Danielle but Dina's true colors showed tonight. She lied all these episodes saying she had nothing to do with the Book. Glad the truth was revealed - she's just as looney. By the way, my NJ mother has a friend who knows Dina and she isn't Miss Innocent - also has a past.
Jacqueline was kind of a snoozer up until this final show. Thank you for standing up for your girl AND for creating drama with "the family", you crazy mafioso bitches.
Little Miss Bubbies and lifting up the table. I love that crazy sexy psycho stage mom biotch.
finale already??!! what was that like 5 episodes total? rats... i was hoping the jersey girls could pull me through the long hot summer. i'm excited and a little depressed all at once.
Just posted about Danielle and my side by side shopping trip at Bloomies.
Seemed like a different person on the show last night...
I feel as though it was reality with a twist.
How come after all that I see the women getting along on all the interview shows?
Where was Danielle hiding that book when she walked into the room? She had a small purse and there wasn't any place to hide that book on herself. Her evil grin when she placed the book on the table while sipping wine said it all.
Let me start by saying I am NOT a fan of Danielle, and that she has eaten her share and then some of the crazy cakes, but I was surprised to find that I actually felt somewhat bad for her last night. I was glad that Caroline was trying to let her speak, and that she pretty much remained calm and collected as she was talking. Do I believe her story? Hells no, but still - I thought she showed a modicum of decorum (if you can call it that) while talking. I was also glad Jacqueline stood up for her.
Dina? Well, as someone else said - I don't believe for a minute she is innocent in anything, and Theresa cracks my shiz-nit UP.
The thing I kept thinking thru the entire dinner scene was - WHY are their children all still sitting there???? I feel really sincerely terrible for Danielle's girls. They didn't ask for all the drama, and I hope people leave them alone thru the whole thing.
Sheesh - that is all way too serious for a RHONJ comment at 8 a.m. My apologies - I will vow to be more of a smart a$$ in the future.
Come all already!
I'm not giving you any more witty comments until you give us a recap.
The whole season you've given us nothing. We've written the post for you.
Please recap toute suite!!
I think those new bubbies are making Theresa all crazy-like.
Danielle is just too creepy for words.
yeah, she's crazy. her poor kids. we love that show. found you via lil bee.
Ummm...slap me, but I kinda thought Danielle handled herself quite well. Yah, she came obviously to start a fight and create some drama. But the whole book thing was kinda dirty to begin with. This whole season (it's over...REALLY??) Dina seemed bent on trashing Danielle, all the while whining that Danielle had been trashing her and must therefore be jealous of her (like who wouldn't be....right? Perhaps in her world?). So big sis decides to take it upon herself to hire a PI and try and dig up dirt on her. All under the guise that she needed to find out more about someone who the "family" (sthick as sthieves they are) might be spending time with. Maybe this is how the book came out to begin with. I'm sure any PI worth there weight would be able to dig up a tell all book about their target. Name change or not. Caroline wasn't worried about whom they were spending their time around (hello mama mofiaso) as much as she was trying to dig up dirt to use as amo against Danielle to protect Dina.
I am sure the confrontation was completely staged, but here is where everyone of those women and the producers went too far...the kids were there. The whole four lettered tirade that Theresa unleashed and the stupid flipping of the table was done with children present and speaks volumnes about all of these women, including Caroline who pretends to be above it all. They are all pathetic. Pathetic with money truly equals.....ghastly, garish, obnoxious, mornic child rearing women indeed.
Oh yah.....I am not above watching it next time around either. Oy vey!
WHY did Theresa care so much that she actually got HYSTERICAL about it?? I was just kind of left with a "who really gives a shit" feeling after that show. After NY and now this, I don't know if I'll tune in for any more of these shows.
I'm agreeing with Anon above. I love OC and NY and really enjoyed Atlanta. But I don't like this one. Instead of being excited about the drama, I just feel over it.
I'm wondering if you aren't feeling the same since you aren't doing recaps.