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    What's up, sluts?

    Part 1 of the Real Housewives of New York City reunion show is TONIGHT (10 pm EST). Get ready for an hour full of indignation, smirks and boo-hooing.

    Here's a clip of Kelly giving a rambling and contradictory account of her assault charge (subscribers click through):

    My favorite part is Kelly's petulant "I don't want a tissue." I so wish the production assistant would have yelled from offstage "FUCK YOU, you orange buffoon!"

    Are you getting bored with all of the stupid crap that comes out of Kelly's mouth? There's just such an endless supply! Here's an excerpt from her recent interview with People:

    Bensimon says joining the already-established cast in the show’s second season was like diving into a “shark tank,” and blames her nerves for causing her to act like someone she’s not. “I was so guarded, I came across as not being me,” she said. “Everyone I know was like, ‘That’s not you! That’s the not the fun Kelly who’s always on Kelly time!’ I didn’t know these women. I was treading in murky waters and I didn’t know how to navigate.”
    Kelly time? Is that like Hammer time?

    Since filming ended, Bensimon hasn’t spent much time with any of the New York Housewives — “We don’t run in the same social circles,” she says — but she doesn’t harbor any ill will towards any of them, including Bethenny.

    “I’m the first person to say [Bethenny's] a great girl,” says Bensimon. “To be her age in New York [and] single is not easy. But she’s doing a great job enjoying her life.”

    Clearly there's no ill will! Jesus. What a patronizing, pot/kettle/black, dictionary-less ASSHOLE.

    Don't forget the Real Housewives of New Jersey premiering after the NYC reunion. I'd like to think that in this scene, Caroline has just reached over the table and given someone a meaty slap that left an imprint of her ring.


    Reader Comments (28)

    yeah, she's such a victim. whatevs. i love the eye rolling going on over on the other couch!

    May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterI *Heart* You

    I can't wait either, tonight is going to be SO great!

    May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarrie

    I can't wait!!

    Miss Bensiiimon must be SO sorry she signed up for this foolishness.

    What a buffoon!!

    May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    I love the look on Andy's face in that first photo. He's like, "Hey America, here's your mess"!

    May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLucinda

    can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait can't WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!!!!
    (there is dancing involved in this comment...and punching people with excitement).
    i miss my girls...rully i do.

    Should be very good, I'm very excited!

    May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDobbygirl

    CAN'T WAIT!! And stocked that I have access to HD EAST COAST channels!! I get to watch it early here in So Cal. Oh and then the Sopranos, er Housewives of Jersey. Best. Night. Ever.

    May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

    the grass isn't always greener even with a lot of fertilizer


    May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    OH! Somebody just stole my favorite line!! Anon!

    The Joisey HW scare me.

    May 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhello gorgeous

    OMG! im watching right now...
    the retardation is palpable.

    best reunion, i mean smackdown, evah!

    May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJules

    Kelly is too dumb for words. How did anyone keep a straight face during that fertilizer comment?

    May 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSGM

    Two things - I lost my satellite
    today and couldn't get any of this. I was just as excited to
    see both the reunion, rully I was,
    and then the NJ beginning.

    On top of that, I'm in Canada
    and can't see the

    This sux. At least I can look
    forward to reading what you have
    to say - you always impress :)


    May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    Caught a few minutes of the episode with Bethany's retelling of "up here, down here" to Ramona yesterday. Hooooooly crapsticks! And? The mess that is Jill's apartment redo? She needs to file for separation from her gay husband if that's his doing. Plus he needs to turn in his Gay Card.

    OTOH, I want a Bawby. (Actually, I have one but without the deep pockets.) Calm, indulgent, patient. Jill is one lucky woman.

    May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLolo

    Kelly does have a habit of leaving out any details she doesn't like or want to acknowledge.

    In her telling of the 'incident' with her ex-boyfriend she made it sound like he just walked over to the local precinct and tattled on her. She neglected to mention that he had a black eye and other bruises and abrasions. Then when she got a little emotional she sat there when Jill asked for a tissue for her, accepted it, looked at it and then said she didn't want a tissue. Huh? When she looked at it she looked like she didn't know what to do with it. So so strange.

    May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJilly in Idaho

    A meaty slap!

    I actually fell asleep last night so I'll have to watch the reunion tonight. Can't wait! And I think I forgot to tape Jersey bitches but I'm sure it'll be on repeat all week, thankfully. That "Kelly time" quote is crazy...and how patronizing to call out Bethenny being single!

    May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterThe Lil Bee

    I think perhaps she couldn't figure out how to open the tissue. She appears to consider this dilemma for a moment.
    I wish they had included the fertilizer comment so I could study it again. And I wish Andy had leaned over at the end of it and said, "Kelly...that has fuckall to do with ANYTHING." Someone, anyone, start reminding her of this, please.

    May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStacy

    YES, I was waiting for someone to call her out on Amb of Wool.

    I think B and Jill just sit by and let her make a fool of herself, which is not a bad strategy.

    May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSGM

    I think the reason ding song didn't want a tissue is that there were no actual tears. And won't someone PLEASE call the bitch out on being a "graduate" of Columbia University?

    May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTracey

    I think Kelly refused the tissue because she didn't want to blow her nose and be out twenty bucks.

    May 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commentert.w.i.t.

    I gotta say, Luann is a class act. She was so poised. Really. I have come full circle with this one.

    Can't wait for next week!

    May 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkelly

    Jill was so ready to pounce on anyone that went up on B, and I thought it was nice that she seemed to really have LuAnn's back as well. LuAnn seems about ready to crack.

    Ramoner - WOW

    Alex - I know you all read the family blog...and on it she points out that they do not really want their children shown at all..and that she knows that they choose basically the "bloopers" of her kids. I feel for her..if you have kids, you also have that friend who always happens to see your kids only at their her case, these "friends" are on a TV show with can't win.

    Bottom Line: these bitches are PAID for the show, some work harder for the money than others :)

    May 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    andy's expression is PRICELESS.

    May 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjen

    As Tracey stated, a tissue isn't needed when there aren't any tears.

    Can't wait for Reunion 2.

    NJ housewives are just too similiar to RI housewives. But like a fool I watched them anyway.

    May 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNaz

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