Twit pic indeed

"No Jill, trust me on this. Why pose for a picture on a boring sidewalk when a rully busy street is just a few steps away?"
Photo from here.
"No Jill, trust me on this. Why pose for a picture on a boring sidewalk when a rully busy street is just a few steps away?"
Photo from here.
Reader Comments (12)
Jill looks like she's put on weight. Perhaps she should consider Duzoxin...
...or Heifer-Gon™.
that is just fucking preposterous.
kelly looks cute though. like what ally sheedy SHOULD look like if it weren't for her ugliness.
"jillzarin and I after lunch at little giant "
Glad to see her college e-du-ca-tion paid off.
Love Jill's grimace, she looks like she can't wait to get away.
Off topic, SGM, but I went to hs with Chris Elwood. Why does no one like him? I don't watch the show b/c Jeff is a doppelganger for my ex but Chris was such a nice guy. If you want pics/email address of said ex maybe we could auction them off to all the Lewis-Lovers
Your comment made me do a Google Image search on Chris, and look, here's another HS classmate of Chris':
Oops, misread that. She didn't go to HS with him, but she does know him, and they have Columbus in common. Another Internet coincidence: Her post is dated precisely one year ago today.
OMGOMGOMG!! What is her obsession with the street!? She runs in the middle of traffic and now this?
Oh Scented Glossy, I LOVE your blog. Love Love Love. It's a rare post that doesn't leave me laughing out loud. You seem especially on top form when posting anything Jeff Lewis or RHOA oriented. I can't help but love the shows, but confess I just might watch them so I can be a party to the commentary on your blog! Thank you for all of your hard work:-)
Hasn't she been run over by a cab yet?
Kelly's thought balloon:
"Now I get to be the Bethenny!"
you make me lawf. rully, rully, lawf.