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    « "Without Vicki, we all had a good time." | Main | A feast for the eyes! »

    Go ahead. Admit it.

    You've missed them.

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    Is is just me, or does Ramoner look like she's been dipped in a vat of turd?

    What do you think of this sexy-face?

    And this one?

    Props to the 7th housewife! (No need to compliment me on the photoshopping. I know I'm very skilled.)

    The Countess and I have had our differences, but doesn't she look fantastic?

    Apparently, the drunken squeezing of strangers' nads is the secret to glowing skin.

    I know that we all love Bethennnnney and her razor-sharp wit, but I think she's a vampire. Or a rectangle.

    What about the new housewife Kelly Bensimon?

    Gorgeous. But is she an idiot? We shall see very soon.

    Season 2 of Real Housewives of NYC premieres on February 17. Be there or be a rectangle.

    promo photos courtesy of 360i on behalf of Bravo--thanks Orli.

    Reader Comments (15)

    I can't wait! Do you know if they are still moving forward with the RH of New Jersey?

    January 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaloma

    Oh I'm adding this to my calendar!
    p.s. I'm having Nene withdrawals.

    January 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMaria

    i'm getting camel colored boots. done.

    rectangle. loved it.

    and i got chills. CHILLS. when i saw how effortlessly on your photoshop skills are. xoxo.

    January 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkarey m.

    Thanks for reminding me when this show returns.

    Its very much like a car wreck - its aweful but I can't look away. :)

    Don't get me started about how they picked the absolute worst woman to represent Brooklyn woman.

    January 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMrs. Limestone

    Is it just me or does the Countess' picture look like she has a floating head? Methinks someone hired a retoucher! Also, doesn't rectangle's torso look a bit too narrow for her arms. Just looks weird. Can't wait for the premiere so we can judge some more! Hooray! :)

    January 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBreakfast for Dinner

    CAN'T wait for the NY girls. Why did they get a new girl? Did someone drop? I gave my 2 cents on RHOOC yesterday, and it was all I could do to hold back my biting tongue on Vicki. Every minute she's on the screen it's like nails on the chalkboard. The irony of her at the horse races: She looks like a horse, walks like a horse...hell, I want to jump on her back and smack her ass with a riding crop (naturally I'd have a muzzle over her snout so I wouldn't have to hear her howling mating call scream).

    January 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterScandalous Housewife

    One positive thing i can say about the new housewife is that her apartment was featured in a shelter magazine- i think Domino- and at least her decorating had a point of view. I don't remember if i liked it, but at least it wasn't decorated like a bland model home,and it didn't look like the same shit you see on every episode of cribs-all leather sofas and flatscreens. Am i right Sgm, or have you seen any homes you admired in any season of Housewives?

    January 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpam

    Please tell me why Bravo doesn't pay you - this is some good shit!!

    What's up with vampire's feet? HAS ANYONE NOTICED. THEY HAVE SPIKES MID-FOOT.


    January 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCass_Cass

    There goes the neighborhood! I don't know if I can deal with these ladies, and I use that term loosely, again. I will say that while not exactly a socialite, Kelly is big on the social scene in NYC and The Hamptons. She doesn't usually wear much clothing either which means she'll fit right in!

    January 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHabitually Chic

    Thw new housewifes dress is afwul. It looks like those WAY too tight ace bandage/mummy wrap outfist that Lynn on RHOC keeps tottering around in. ANyone in NYC with any actual social standing would shoot themselves before being on a reality show so I am not buying it. But isn't there a certain new money low class contingent on the Hamptons now? P. Diddy and the like? Maybe she's in with that bunch because I doubt that she went to Spence or Miss Porters. LOL

    January 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    Oh. Mah. Goodness.

    I CAN NOT WAIT!!!!!

    I have been complaining for months, and now my ladies have returned.

    1. Ramoner is a vat of turd.
    2. Glad Alex decided to do her hair that day.
    3. Is his homosexual panic over yet? Has he come out?
    4. I do think LuAnn is gorgeous, however obnoxious she may be.
    5. Gosh I have missed Bethenny. She would be my Scarecrow, if I was Dorothy.
    6. I just love saying her last name like Tyra does. Hopefully she's either dippy or extravagantly pretentious.

    Feb. 17th...I can not WAIT.

    January 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrittany

    nooooooo. Kelly Bensimon is a real woman. i've seen her host fashion interviews, etc. She is going to be RUINED for me! Oh I can't even watch.

    January 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCreme de la Mode

    Cannot WAIT for this... adding to TiVo immediately!

    (And also, I've missed you SGM! Sorry for not commenting in a while. I haven't been watching RHOC, so I haven't felt like I could adequately give my two cents. I have still been reading, though!!!!!!)


    January 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJessie

    Why does it look like they're in the bar of a seedy hotel where the carpets are stained and stinky?

    February 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

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