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    Passive break-ups, brothels for women and swingers!

    These will be the topics of discussion on the Decorno, Elaine and SGM podcast, airing tonight at 8 PST/11 EST. Trust me, you do not want to miss it--deep, dark secrets of humiliation and lust will be revealed! Listen or call in HERE in with a story or a question.

    Speaking of lame-ass break-up moves, how fabulous did Mary Louise Parker look last night? If you recall, Billy Crudup dumped her for another woman when she was 7 months pregnant.

    If there was a bubble coming out of her mouth, it would say "EFF YOU, BILLY." And also "how is that nasty slut Claire Danes (who, btw doesn't even star in a hit show on cable) doing? Huh?" Most definitely.

    Reader Comments (8)

    Can't wait for tonight!-Tatumluv

    September 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    Mary Louise Parker is the shit.

    September 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

    Isn't she, though?

    Tatumluv, I have so many questions! Excited to talk with you.

    September 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSGM

    "She is freaking hot, in a perfect mix of sexy & innocent kind of way." - my 25 year old boyfriend.

    September 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteralis

    I love Mary Louise Parker! And ever since Mr. Crud did that to her I can't watch him without thinking what an asshole he is!

    September 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    i KNOW! i used to adore claire danes. even though she really is a one-trick pony. that faux stressed, kind of bewildered, monotonish delivery gets real old. real fast.

    but since billy fuck-up left mlp? can't even look at her without having "whoo-ah" push its way into my thought bubble.

    sad, the way these celeb lives affect my own. truly sad. xoxo.

    September 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkarey m.

    What about her going out with Jeffery Dean Morgan? I don't know what happened there, but I LOVE him. So good looking. I love her show!
    SGM, how are you coping with your Jeff Lewis withdrawls?

    September 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBarb

    she rocked it. I saw a fashion comment last night on one of the tv shows how she was the worse dressed because of the color she chose...I think they're wrong [and I usually always agree with those people] I think this color looks fantastic on her.

    anyone who walks out on a woman 7mo preg is a douche.

    September 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRichie Designs

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