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    The best thing about Leatherheads

    . . . was the trailer for Sex and the City. Yes, it's the one we've all seen, but it was so big and sparkling and beautiful! I was positively tingly over the largeness of it all.

    It was all downhill from there. John Krasinski was pleasingly hunky and tall (oh, how I love his tallness!), but his character was bleh. Flat. As was the whole entire movie. I've never felt one way or another about George Clooney; frankly, in my mind he's still George the handyman from The Facts of Life.

    Okay, who didn't LOVE The Facts of Life? My favorite was Natalie. Jo scared me, and I never could understand why any of the girls liked her. Remember that episode where she stole the beer and Mrs. G was so disappointed and then all of the girls were forced to work in the cafeteria as punishment? I think my aversion to the New York accent may stem from my dislike of Jo.

    But back to George. He does absolutely nothing for me, probably because of his connection to Jo. I realize I'm in the minority on this one, and I'm at peace with that. Let's talk about Renee Zellweger. She drives me crazy! Not Rachael Ray or Alex McCord crazy, but more like "what's going on with her lips?" crazy.

    Her character in this film had what I can only describe as MAC Viva Glam (you know, the original matte super-red that takes 3 days to remove from your face) smeared on her gigantic pursed lips all of the time. I couldn't take my eyes off of her caked LIPS--I swear they filled the entire screen! Oh, how I wanted to put some Aquaphor on her and wipe that shit off with a kleenex.

    Anyhow, this movie was full of cliche and lipstick. Even the eye candy that is John Krasinski couldn't save it for me. WHICH, by the way, did anyone else feel a twinge of depression last week when Jim pulled out the ring?* Like "oh God, he's so happy and in love and I will never have a chance with him now" even though he's a completely fictional character? Okay.

    Now let's end on a happy note: the Sex and the City trailer, right here for you to watch again because I know you want to. However, if you'd rather shift into a sad feeling at this point, then click here for a recent revelation about the movie by Cynthia Nixon that is kind of spoiler-y but not really because it is already everywhere.

    *You people who watch The Office know what I'm talking about. To those of you who don't watch The Office--you need to get your priorities in order with regard to tv watching.

    Reader Comments (17)

    Yes, George Clooney was the goofy handy-man! I feel like the world has forgotten this now that he always looks pretty dapper... I used to love that show. My favorite was Blair. Loved the 80's fashion in the later years!

    April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterQ.S.

    Am I pathetic? I CRIED a bit when he pulled out the ring...that's how much I love Jim/John. Ugh..dying. Never wanted to be Pam worse in my life...

    April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKat

    Renee=I don't get it.

    George=I don't get that one either.

    April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMint Julep

    I'm so excited for the movie! Just watched the trailer. Thanks girl!

    April 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterelaine

    S&TC - Can't come soon enough.

    GC - Doesn't do much for me.

    JK + PB - "Good bye my LOOOOOOVE!" (You should have seen the look on my husbands face when I said that outloud after J pulled out the ring.)

    April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJessie

    There are not words to describe my love for George.
    I had to watch the office at least 3 times Thursday night. My jaw hit the coffee table when Jim pulled out the ring and gave my boyfriend an eat sh*t look ;)...haha
    SITC is opening the day after my birthday. happy birthday to me!!!

    April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAbby

    God bless you for saying that about George Clooney! I SOOOO don't get what the big deal is! One time in mixed company, I voiced my opinion about Mr. Clooney and his below average acting skills and people looked at me like I just burned a freakin American flag. ???

    Now Renee. She is a good acress, but that sourpuss face totally bugs.

    April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSneaky Chic

    i did feel a little jealous when he pulled the ring out. i love him so.

    April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterI *Heart* You

    Ah, my reaction was the same to Jim pulling out the ring! He's so adorable, and really, him being eye candy is the only thing that saved Leatherheads for me. The acting was atrocious.

    And maybe it's because I also watched Bridget Jones 2 and had too much Zellwegger, but I decided this weekend that her acting bugs me - even though she's super sweet (I once served her coffee and she said thank you about a billion times, no exaggeration).

    SATC comes out the day before my b-day. Happy birthday to me and Abby!

    April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJen

    Jeez, that SATC preview seemed low-energy. Sort of like "The Golden Girls" but without the jokes.

    The series ended beautifully. Why are they resuscitating this corpse?

    Of course I'll go see it anyway...

    April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    I enjoyed Leatherheads but I also enjoy George Clooney sooo... John and George in little football sweaters and leggings for 2 hours was great. Renee Zellweger was awful though. Overacted, overly-made up and not at all endearing.

    Also, I can't wait for a PB&J wedding. When he went to tie his shoe I almost died.

    April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLeah

    gah! renee zellweger's lipstick KILLED me; it's like the whole movie she was silently screaming "I AM SEXY AND SNAPPY!," to which I respond "sorry doll, but you are neither sexy nor snappy and all that lip pursing is going to give you crazy wrinkles."

    April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHannah

    I knew I wasn't the only one who felt that way about Jim! Now where's Jennifer from The Most Awesomest Stuff Ever? Because I know she's the same way.

    Hannah, I totally agree about the sexy and snappy business. It was Renee's interpretation of Mae West, girl journalist.

    April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSGM

    I have a theory about why women (including me) are crazy about Jim; if you ever really pay attention, he's the only one that looks at the camera on The Office. It makes you feel like he's looking at YOU, making those meaningful "Are you hearing what Michael is saying?!" looks, sharing an inside joke with only you. I was more dissapointed when I thought he was proposing to Pam-I said out loud to the TV "Jim, you're better than that!"

    April 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

    I nearly squelled with glee when I first saw the SATC trailer in the theater. Bright & Shiny is right ;) Cannot wait!

    April 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGolightly

    Can't wait for the movie to come out!! A. I love the show. B. I am actually going to leave the house and do something not kiddie related!

    April 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterI am Trish Marie

    I thought George was perfect for the part he played. And I was fascinated by how the lighting for the movie made Renee look so much older. Once they explained all of the character's ages in the movie it made a little more sense. At first I thought, isn't George a little old to be playing football?

    Maybe I am delusional, but didn't George also play Rosanne's boss at the factory for awhile on the Roseanne Barr show?

    April 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkatiedid

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