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Our beloved Bravo is showing The Omen right now, followed by The Exorcist. I love seasonal tv.
Happy Halloween!
I'm lovin all the new ghostie shows
The Omen is the 2nd scariest movie I ever saw, The Excorcist being the first.
A perfect night--all that's missing is Rosemary's Baby!
my parents almost named me 'Damien' can you imagine? christ. { I mean ant-christ }
Megan, Damien... It's almost the same thing.
well, somethings we don't get to choose.
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Reader Comments (7)
I'm lovin all the new ghostie shows
The Omen is the 2nd scariest movie I ever saw, The Excorcist being the first.
A perfect night--all that's missing is Rosemary's Baby!
my parents almost named me 'Damien' can you imagine? christ. { I mean ant-christ }
my parents almost named me 'Damien' can you imagine? christ. { I mean ant-christ }
Megan, Damien... It's almost the same thing.
well, somethings we don't get to choose.