Last night's Top Design - SPOILER

One of my kids was up all night barfing and Bravo has no Top Design photos up yet (except for Ondine's room above) so I have no energy/hot Jeff photos for a real post. Let's answer the following questions instead: what's up with Jeff's hatred of Eddie Ross? Will someone get the scoop from Eddie on this? Was anyone else freaked out by Eddie's non-stop smiling and laughter upon being cut? Are you surprised by the final three? Who's your favorite to win? (Is anyone even watching this show?)
Reader Comments (23)
I used to like Eddie a lot at first but his strange behavior really turned me off. I also liked his designs more at the beginning than his later ones. I think Preston has really come from behind and shown his great style. He is my favorite to win. Jeff was really hating on Eddie but I will say I have to agree with Jeff!
I think Margaret had a point that Jeff's criticism of Eddie was personal--they have different styles. But still. It was funny as hell. And Eddie did wear a very Orville Redenbacher bowtie last night. He deserved the bedpan comment.
go over to Eddie's blog and ask.
I'm w/ ya! I watch this!
I'm still pissed that Andrea left the show. What a coward. I really liked her style.
As for Eddie, he's already successful so sure, let him leave. I thought he was hilarious.
i'm still watching. only one more episode to go. think it needs your full re-hashing. nathan must win. he, by far, is the most creative and imaginitive. liked eddie's style but feel like it was the same old thing after every challenge. how is it that ondine has made it this far. although did love her room last night but that is the best she has done. she is too disorganized. i would nEVER hire her! love preston's look but everything is a little too contrived--he needs to let lose.
I don't think winning meant as much to Eddie as it did to the other contestants. He made it clear that room was going to reflect his personal taste, his style, and he didn't give a toss what the judges thought. Jeff's complete dislike of Eddie? Two divas clashing. BTW, Jeff definitely had a raging case of hot pants for Preston! Hello, do we see a hookup in the future?
"Raging case of hot pants for Preston" BINGO!
I used to like Eddie but he seems like such a jerk. He blames it on editing but come on - he gives them a ton of material to work with then. All these snide remarks, facial gestures and "i am so much better than everyone" attitude is so lame.
And what's with his laughter. Every time he looses he'll stare at the winner with this super creepy smile. Ugh... Miss Jeff Lewis!
Not suprised at all, at the hysterical laughing I mean. Someone needs to get a hold of that and paint it up like the joker. He was laughing at the show like it had all been a big joke to him, and the thought of him not winning was laughable. Or more so the thought of Preston going beyond how far he made it proved how clueless the judges are, and that was laughable, too. All that...but with more smugness. I need to find his blog...
I knew it as soon as I saw the lattice up on walls. Stick a fork in him, he was done. He's so talented, I don't understand what happened to him.
Nat (who <3's Jeff more and more every time he graces my TV screen *sigh*) (and hopes he and Preston make babies)
agree. lattice+walls only works in print aka his saviour Martha...not in real life. The design seemed stuffy and old.
I don't care for Eddie's ummm "self assurance" and snobbery. It was in line with Kenley from Proj Runway to me.
I like the quite one, Preston. I think his work speaks for him. Which in the end is what is needed.
Jeff Lewis was on top of his crazies last night. I thought he might tone it down but he was just as crazy with the other judges as the contestants.
I'm not sure I could be in the same room with him. I wonder if he's ever been diagnosed with a personality disorder. REALLY.
I love love love Jeff Lewis - I think he is fabulous - if I had a house I would hire him to do my contracting because he is soooo anal! Where is Kelly? I would love to see what she was wearing and what Jeff would say? Eddie BUGS! I loved him in the beginning and yes he is talented but he needs to eat some humble pie! I totally get what Margaret is saying - Eddie is a good designer and it's ok not to like his personal style but you have to admit he is talented. Maybe Eddie and Jeff had an affair and Jeff is bitter :) LOL. I was sooo looking forward to Scented Glossy's recap.
I think that Eddie opted to design with his style on purpose, to show what he does well, (Martha Stewart Magazine style) knowing there was a huge chance he would get taken out of the show, and he wouldn't have to compete to win, and lose. His exit could be with "attitude" but all to hide his insecurities. His sneer and fake laugh also were to "mask" his bitterness and anger at the fact that the judges let him go and didn't recognize him as the clear winner he thought he was. He is a wonderful stylist, just kind of a hater and well, you reap what you sow. (and that would explain Jeff's distaste in him, because I think Jeff's bark is worse than his bite, he acts all tough to get ratings, but is all about love.) and there is my two cents. :-)
I think that Eddie opted to design with his style on purpose, to show what he does well, (Martha Stewart Magazine style) knowing there was a huge chance he would get taken out of the show, and he wouldn't have to compete to win, and lose. His exit could be with "attitude" but all to hide his insecurities. His sneer and fake laugh also were to "mask" his bitterness and anger at the fact that the judges let him go and didn't recognize him as the clear winner he thought he was. He is a wonderful stylist, just kind of a hater and well, you reap what you sow. (and that would explain Jeff's distaste in him, because I think Jeff's bark is worse than his bite, he acts all tough to get ratings, but is all about love.) and there is my two cents. :-)
I was too distracted by Margaret's tan, tan cleavage to pay much attention to the room designs themselves. She's a gorgeous woman, but I think she's a bit "mature" at this point for the plunging necklines.
Anyway, I wound up feeling a little bad for Eddie (can't believe I'm actually typing that) in the face of Jeff's cruel mocking. But still, Jeff's assessment was kick-ass and spot-on. It was high time for Miss Martha to go.
Of the final three, I'm pulling for Nathan. His designs have been hit or miss, but when he's good he's very good.
Preston can do a chic, sexy room, but they're all a bit soul-less and void of personality. I think he has a bright future designing high-end showrooms and boutique hotels. (Still, why did Eddie and Nathan have to be so bitchy to him? Eddie I expected it from, but Nathan -- don't be a jerk.)
I'd like to have drinks with Ondine, but she's kind of a mess as a designer. I liked her room last night, and a few other rooms she's done, but others have been vomitous. And her lack of organizational skills will kill her in the finale. I predict an epic meltdown when she encounters some seemingly insurmountable design dilemma.
Then again, all three of the finalists are unpredictable. So it really could be anyone's game.
I'm a very recent reader of your blog and am totally hooked on your commentaries! I can't talk to anyone I know about how much I love/hate these shows because they either (A) don't watch or (B) don't admit they watch or (C) would reconsider our friendship if they knew that I do! (Sounds like I need some new friends...of the trashy tv-watching persuasion). I love Jeff Lewis SO MUCH and talked up his show to anyone I could make listen to me. So happy to see him on Top Design...trying really hard to get under Jonathan's skin, unapologetically hating on, fun, fun! As for RHOA, too much to say. Those women should all be so ashamed of themselves...but they're rich and beautiful and popular and they don't care what I think. They just care that I watch so ha! joke's on me. Should we be worried or thrilled that there seems to be an endless supply of vacuous, self-absorbed, self-important knuckleheads out there to keep these kind of shows on the air? Should I be ashamed of myself for watching? Or should I just quit thinking about it and enjoy it? Probably both. Thanks for listening!!
Jeff does not like people who are less than good-looking. He once said: "The only qualification for working in this office is being good-looking."
And Eddie is not good-looking.
Oh, Eddie can be friendly-looking, and he's not ugly, but he's not hot either. To be coldly clinical about it: His body is shapeless, he has a flat ass, his profile isn't good, he has a weak chin, and his eyes are rodent-like. Even the vest and bowtie thing just make him look dowdy, rather than hot and cute.
And yet Eddie is supremely confident.
I think that combination infuriated Jeff to no end. I think that in Jeff's mind:
Unhot guy +
full of himself =
Must be brought down.
Eddie's talent is to have committed Martha Stewart's "Good Things" and "Collecting" columns to memory.
He can make a serviceable table top arrangement of Wedgwood jasperwares, or turn a group of McCoy vases into a little object lesson on glaze texture and color and form, or proclaim delight at the prospect of a chimneypiece topped with a row of mercury glass. Beyond these small scale mise en scenes, though, it does, as Margaret Russell noted, come off as granny-ish.
For all the devotion to Martha Stewart's taste, there's none of the crispness, the spareness, the sense of the spaces between things, just a grab-bag of "glam" and "trendy" and parts that don't add up to a whole.
Eddie's thing is trying to soothe class anxiety: More than once he said on the show "It looks expensive." That seems to be his highest praise.
I love Jeff Lewis! I was saying that Eddie's room looked like Grandma's house with the lattice and leafy frame (and what was up with those ugly leaves on the wall last week?) and then he makes the best comment. It looks older and by older I mean walkers, bedpans and oxygen tanks. He's so funny! And the faces. I wish he was a judge all season!!
I hate Eddie and love the fact that Jeff does not like him! I am so glad that he is gone! I am surprised by the final 3 - my fav to win is Preston - I want him to be my gay boyfriend!
Why do so many straight women seem to love Eddie?
Go to his blog,, and look at the comments. It's insane, the way women go bananas for him.
"Oh Eddie, you're so talented, You're too good for Top Design, Eddie, The judges were so wrong, Come suckle at my teat, Eddie!..."
Are the ladies who love Eddie the same kind of ladies who loved Clay Aiken? (And the kind who, 50 years ago, loved Liberace?)
I could so picture that.
I agree with the above two posts - Eddie has that strange appeal to certain middle age women (and I am middle aged) that Clay Aiken and Josh Groban have - sexually mild, cute but not actually handsome, talented within a limited realm. Meanwhile, he's a total a-hole, nice to your face while laughing at you behind your back. Trust me, I've met him.