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    The OC Housewives on Oprah

    Set your dvrs, my people! On Monday, the women of The Real Housewives of Orange County will be on Oprah. That's right, you heard me: Oprah is finally recognizing the brilliance that is RHOC! But apparently only to point out how tacky and unsophisticated they look. A writer for O Magazine describes the Orange County look:

    1. Hair: blonde and long

    2. Skin: very tan (often spray-tanned)

    3. Teeth: blindingly white

    4. Lips: conspicuously full

    5. Noses: pert

    6. Breasts: notably large

    7. Tummies: flat; hips: nonexistent

    8. Nails: long, French-tipped, and square

    9. Jewelry: big and frequently diamond

    10. Clothes: mostly pastels, corals; formfitting and revealing (SGM would like to add Juicy sweatsuits)

    While most people would see this description as being mildly insulting, the OC housewives consider it a recipe for loveliness! After Oprah's staff gives the cast members "make-unders" in an attempt to make them look more polished and age-appropriate, all of them (except Jeana) can't wait to get back to their OC style.

    So . . . what do we think of Lauri's make-under?

    Oy. The cleavage was there for a reason--to distract us from the face. (sorry Lauri)(but it's true)

    See all of the before and after photos here. What do you think?

    The new season of RHOC premieres November 25.

    Reader Comments (25)

    The ATL housewives made miss & love the OC ones. Thanks for the heads up regarding the O show!

    And I took a look at the makeovers, I think Jeana looked the best! Really nice! But Tamara - her hair made her look old.

    Anyhoo...thanks again!

    October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

    What's the deal with the short-sleeved blazers over long-sleeved Mary Richards blouses? I'm not a fan. But Jeana did look 15 pounds thinner -- no wonder she's happy.

    October 26, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermamacita

    I'm from Orange County, born and raised. There are women here who have amazing style. Keep in mind someone sophisticated and with any dignity wouldn't be caught DEAD on a reality TV show. Don't get me wrong, I still watch it and can't wait to see them on oprah!!!

    October 26, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterstyle and grace

    omg, so true! the bright bleached hair was definitely meant to distract from the other ridiculousness.

    October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBreakfast for Dinner

    Lauri is one hot tranny mess!

    October 26, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermuranogirl

    This made my day--I have missed these ladies more than I care to admit. Jeana looks chic and lovely with her makeover. Everyone else gets a NO. Stick with the formula girlfriends!

    October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrilliant Asylum

    I thought they all looked age appropriate and better with their new looks, better to keep the girls in the sweater (or in the cami, in their case) at their age!

    October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    I though Vicki looked way younger, I actually had to look at her name to see who it was! Jeana did look slimmer. The rest - ick! Thanks for the heads up, SGM!

    October 26, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrachie!

    WOW! Vicki and Jeana look great! Lauri looks like a post-op Banana Republic ad. Good lesson in less(skin) is more. Can't wait for the new season!

    October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSneaky Chic

    I thought Vicki looked incredible, and Jeana looked so much slimmer. I don't like the " beige" hair thing going on on some of the others...Tamra lost all her sparkle with that ugly hair.

    Too bad they didn't get Quinn on and teach her how to wrangle her "girls" in...

    October 26, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercrabapple

    I die! I love the makeovers! They look so chic and age appropriate now!

    October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHabitually Chic

    I don't quite trust the theme here: All the women commenters--except for SGM and Brilliant Asylum--sounding relieved as they declare: "Oh yes, I like them better when the cover up and don't look so sexual and carnal and horny. Embrace matronliness, ladies!"

    Isn't that what "age appropriate" is really code for? Vaginal dryness and invisibliity to men?

    October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShit Disturber

    Oh, shit disturber! I think that the makeover team did a terrible job (except for Vicki and Jeana). Beige hair looks good on no one.
    The irony is that Ken Paves did the makeovers--his bff and main client Jessica Simpson the queen of the OC look.

    October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSGM

    "Makeover" shows on TV are usually about making women (1) conform, and (2) hide their bodies more.

    (This seems especially true of the makeover shows on Oprah--she's so sexless herself. I'm sure Ken Paves knows what Oprah would and would not want.)

    October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    Wow, I think every one of them looks SO much younger and classier with the new looks. And truly sexy. Chic style is way more sexy than a top cut to the waist with boobage hanging out in full view, overly bleached hair and thick black mascara.

    October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTopsy Turvy

    I can't stand Gretchen's make-under. All she needs is a glittery cane and she's going to bust out singing.

    October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThe Lil Bee

    i'm fairly certain that katherine hepburn is somewhere doing flip flops in her grave over lauri's make under. these women all look better in their coto gear and bleach. could they have made the 30 year old look any more like a spokesmodel for Boniva?

    October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterI *Heart* You

    Jeana looks the best. who is the 30 yr old? new cast member?

    it's funny the OC [I live near] is slowly dividing camps. Super high fashion...Chanel, Gucci ect and the typical blonde look that the OC women wear.

    I have to say even the Chanel women tend to be label whores though and over do it. It's not so much about taste as it is about flaunting.

    The make unders are good though. They look more NYC stylish.

    I think they should do a SF series. Now those women... they might be the perfect combo. Still california but with some style and class. I think the those women tend to be very political in nature which would be interesting too.

    October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRichie Designs

    Jeana looks amazing! Not so much on the rest of them. Poor Vicki.

    October 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterzakary

    RHOC on Oprah! Yessssss! SH Loves it.

    I personally can't wait to audition for RHOD (that's Dallas).

    October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterScandalous Housewife

    They should go to places without obvious themes, like

    "The Real Housewives of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania"


    "The Real Housewives of Wilmington, Delaware"

    October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    Um, who the hell is Gretchen?

    October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMint Julep

    Woo! I'm up for Real HW of Wilmington, DE! (heh, not really)

    October 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterhello gorgeous

    I would LOVE if the RHOC would make over Oprah and Gayle.

    You know, make them show some cleavage, some thigh, give 'em some blonde hair extensions...

    October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

    Jeanna and Vicki looked better. The rest looked at least 10 years older and too matronly. Can't believe nobody made a comment about Tamra's lavender old-lady-on-The Love Boat-getup. That was criminal....If this is all the RHOC are exposed to in a make-under, there is no chance that they will ever agree to tone it down.

    They may be tacky, but at least they own it.

    December 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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