
We are the fourth owners of our 9 year old house (I know, is it built over an Indian burial ground or something?). There are many things that I love about this house. It has a dignified Georgian-esque exterior, a great floorplan and big ol' kitchen. And perhaps most importantly, it does not have that niche in the living room that predetermines where the tv is going to be. I know it's not cool to love a newish house with no character, but after living for years in a very old house, I am all in favor of some sparkly newness and something called water pressure. But our house did have 3 previous owners; owners who thought that lots of bright yellow accent walls and vine stenciling and navy floral Waverly window treatments were what my house deserved.* But that's not all. The time has come for them to be called out for the visual damage they did to my dear house:
1. Ceiling fans. There are 7 ceiling fans in my house. Seven! To give you some perspective, the bathrooms and the dining rooms are the only ones without. They are all some variation on country or traditional decor, all u-g-l-y you ain't got no alibi. They cramp my style big-time. Here is the master bedroom:
Yes, I do have a duvet cover but it had just been washed and it's such a bitch to put on. I do perhaps need more pillows. I'll get on that. Anyhow, you get the basic idea.
And we pan out....
BLECHHHHHHHHH! God, do I hate that ceiling fan with its fake milk glass shades and its brass rod and base and its overhead lighting. Hate it. Someday I will host a Cinco de Mayo party and it will be my pinata. This rooms needs a chandelier. And a little bit of color, but I really can't get past the ceiling fan. Side note: those are my red espadrilles that my 2 year old drags out pretty much every day. Does she not know that espadrilles are summer shoes? You will also note a photo collage hanging on the wall. Not a big fan of these, but I am trying to live with it.
Want more? This is the guest bedroom (also note that anorexic curtain rod generously left to us):
The office. One light bulb is burnt out and not changing it is my way of disrespecting the fan. Overhead lighting sucks, does it not? Moving on....
2. Movie-star bathroom lighting in the guest bath and master bath (pictured).
Another light bulb in need of replacement, another way of shaming the light fixture.
3. Vertical blinds on the sliding glass doors. There is no photographic record of these, thank God. Although they are now ripped down, they stayed up for a while because I didn't want our neighbors or potential killers to get a full view. Then I just decided screw it, I would rather live in a fishbowl and perhaps be murdered than be subjected to the awfulness of having to look at them every day. Is there any window treatment more offending to the eye? That question is not rhetorical and the answer is "no." I wish the sliding glass doors were French doors, but this is something I can live with.
4. Wall-to-wall carpet in the dining room. Who does this? I'll tell you who does this: the same person who put wall-to-wall in the master bath. I am not being modest when I tell you that I have mad carpet cleaning skillz.
That's it. Just had to stand up for my house and let the world know that these things are not acceptable. But it is mainly the ceiling fans that get my goat.** Somebody spent a lot of cash on those things, especially when you factor in installation. And it will cost me a lot of money to have them all taken down and replaced. Depressing. All right then. Off to change some light bulbs because really, the only person it's hurting is me.
*Not that I don't make mistakes, because I do. Just look at my freaking garage! But please check me into a mental hospital if I ever install any of the items mentioned above.
**Do you also have one or more ugly ceiling fans? Email me with a photo. I will post it and we shall commiserate.
Reader Comments (8)
Hey - I have ceiling fans in all my bedrooms and my family room, but mine are just plain white and kind of disappear (so I tell myself). The problem is I live in Houston and if we didn't have ceiling fans, there would have to be a big standing fan, it is just a necessity for my husband to have one. Even though it's cold enough tonight that we have the fake fire on (another horrible thing!) - he also has on the ceiling fan in the family room !!!! What an idiot. My advice to you = take down the fans you don't use!@!!! Just put a plate cover over the hole. I'm a big proponent of getting rid of offending eye crap immediately. You'll feel so much better the sooner they are gone. Great blog, btw!
We have the same husband problem! Mine is always hot, so he loves having the ceiling fans (but we live in DENVER) and he also loves the over-head lighting they provide. He is nuts. The fans would not bother me so much if they weren't all so different and wood-grained and generally gross. Thanks for the plate idea; now I just have to wait for him to go out of town and I'll do the dirty work (just the bedroom and the kitchen)!
I can't deal with people who use overhead lighting. What don't they understand about it making everyone look like dead people.
As for ceiling fans, they're necessary where I live... just to keep the air moving so everything doesn't mildew and to be able to keep the a/c at a reasonable temp.
I agree with Joni - take them down asap. You will feel much better. I think it's sassier looking anyway to have a big stainless, shiny industrial looking table or standing fan in the summer to move the air. I would get one of those to use as needed, but treat yourself to a chandelier you love asap. Life is too short for ceiling fans.
oh lordie...the ceiling fan issue! boys love em' & they are as ugly as sin. I think I've only ever seen 2 or 3 models that are nice looking are a zillion dollars and need really tall ceilings [like 25ft] to visually work.
good luck!!
I think you should sell at least half of them on e-Bay! 7 fans, yikes. Your ex owners had no imagination (or a really pushy fan salesman nearby).
Loved your bedroom BTW. What color are your walls? They look a lovely blue/lavender on my little Mac.
I feel your pain. Our rooms alternate between similarly bad ceiling fans and even worse Home Depo hanging light fixtures. At least it is hard to tell how ugly the fans are while they are in motion. Love your spacious master BR though!
Thanks fashiongirl, the color is Benjamin Moore Buxton Blue HC-149. I am so in love with this color, which is actually kind of a blue/gray/green.
Brilliant A, I'm pretty sure that all of my fans came from Home Depot. Ick.
Decorno, now I just have to figure out a way to move "chandelier" to the front of the line on the priority list. I have my eye on one at this little antique store here...maybe I can break in some night? Hmm.