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    Mea Culpa

    Well. Ahem. For the past few years, I have been begging my husband to agree to an artificial tree, not because I particularly liked them but because I thought that it was the eco-friendly choice. I felt such guilt ripping a tree from the ground just so we could doll it up and smell it for 30 days. Little did I know that artificial trees are actually eco-evil-to-the-core. And somewhat tacky, but I already knew that. I hate being wrong (and having no power of persuasion), but I am also feeling relieved of my self-righteous burden. I just love that evergreen smell.

    photo courtesy of perfect_hexagon on flckr

    Reader Comments (2)

    I totally agree. I've felt guilty for years about having a real tree. Now I'm not going to anymore!

    November 19, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterfashiongirl

    Ha! I am off to tell all the fake tree proponents in my office to shove it. Thanks for making my holidays a little less guilty.

    November 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBrilliant Asylum

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